Topo da Agenda: o que não pode perder nos mercados e na economia esta semana
A semana fecha com os primeiros resultados trimestrais e, neste caso, de 2022 vindos das cotadas financeiras de Wall Street, além da inflação norte-americana. Deste lado do Atlântico, Portugal, Espanha e França confirmam os dados dos preços em dezembro e o desemprego de novembro.
Paz, amor… e apoiar a digitalização das PME!
Descubra como os desejos da SAGE para 2023 vão ajudar a crescer as PME em Portugal.
Portogallo Spagna Nigeria
Porto Business School anuncia novo dean: José Esteves
Professor na prestigiada escola de negócios de Madrid, IE Business School, José Esteves é especializado na área de Sistemas de Informação, doutorado pela Universidade Politécnica da Catalunha e com pós-graduação em Harvard. Mandato de quatro anos inicia-se em março.
Bernard Kalb, Veteran Foreign Correspondent, Is Dead at 100
He covered wars, revolutions and diplomatic breakthroughs for CBS, NBC and The New York Times. He also served, briefly and unhappily, as a State Department spokesman.
Brasile Italia
Foreign leaders express concern about Brazil after invasion of Congress and Supreme Court
The Prime Minister of Italy, the conservative Giorgia Meloni, expressed herself on social networks defining as "unacceptable" the images of the invasions to institutional offices and as "incompatible with any form of democratic dissidence". In her message, Meloni also calls for a return to normality and expresses her solidarity with ...
‘Anti-democratic acts must suffer the rigor of the law urgently,’ says Senate president on invasions in Brasilia
The president of the Brazilian Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, said he is in constant contact with the governor of the DF, Ibaneis Rocha, to know what steps are being taken to control the invasion of the National Congress building this Sunday afternoon (Jan. 8). This afternoon, protesters against the election result ...
Bonus auto e moto 2023, domande dal 10 gennaio. Chi può richiederli, per quali e come ottenerli
Nuovi incentivi in arrivo per l'acquisto di auto e moto meno inquinanti. ll Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy ha assegnato nuove risorse per l?Ecobonus: 630 i milioni di euro...
Multe, stralcio delle cartelle a metà e anche Roma non rottama. Richiesta al governo: «Ampliare la norma»
Stralcio delle multe in salita per la metà dei comuni italiani. La legge di Bilancio messa a punto dal governo prevede la cancellazione delle cartelle esattoriali fino a mille euro comprese...
SK On mulls withdrawing battery plant deal in Turkey
South Korean battery maker SK On said Monday it is considering withdrawing an initial pact with Ford Motor Co. and their local partner Koc Holding A.S. to build a car battery plant in Turkey. In March last year, the three companies signed a memorandu
NeuRMS To Reduce Forex Spent On Purchase Of Foreign Software App
With over $300 million spent on the purchase of foreign software and computer services in Nigeria, NeuRMS, an integrate software and hardware solutions company, has rollout a local software solution aimed at helping the over 48 million Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria, to retain forex spent on ...