USA Paesi Bassi
Demi Schuurs eenvoudig naar laatste acht dubbelspel US Open, ook Koolhof bereikt kwartfinales
Demi Schuurs heeft zich op de US Open voor de derde keer in haar loopbaan geplaatst voor de kwartfinales van het vrouwendubbelspel. De beste dubbelspeelster van Nederland versloeg samen met haar Amerikaanse partner Desirae Krawczyk in de derde ronde Marta Kostjoek uit Oekraïne en de Chinese Zhang Shuai. Het werd ...
Tras la medida para la soja, la industria del vino ahora pide un “dólar malbec”
Bodegas de Argentina, la cámara que reúne a más de 250 establecimientos de este tipo en todo el país, reclama que se eliminen las retenciones de 4,5% que gravan las exportaciones del sector; las ventas al exterior de vino embotellado tuvieron una baja interanual de 7,3% entre enero y julio ...
A partir de octubre aumentarán las tarifas de los peajes de la ciudad de Buenos Aires
La medida fue solicitada por la empresa que tiene la concesión; fue confirmada a través de un decreto y ahora deberá ser debatida en una Audiencia Pública
SCGP acquires US waste material trader for B73m
SCG Packaging Plc (SCGP) has acquired a 90.1% stake worth US$1.98 million or around 73 million baht in Jordan Trading Inc, a New York-based trader of waste materials, notably paper, as it continues to strengthen its packaging material recycling business.
FMI satisfeito com desempenho da economia moçambicana
O chefe da missão do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) para Moçambique, Álvaro Piris, manifestou hoje em Maputo satisfação com os progressos registados pela economia moçambicana, assinalando a importância de o país africano se manter na rota da recuperação.
Brasile USA Argentina
Argentine Economy Minister travels to Washington DC to seek investment
The Argentine Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, travels on Monday, September 5, to Washington DC to start his tour in the United States, searching for investments and foreign currency. Massa, who is scheduled to arrive in the US capital on Monday, will be accompanied by his spokesman, Santiago García Vazquez, ...
Brasile Venezuela
The show goes on in Venezuela, the return of foreign music shows
The population welcomes the increase in the offer of music shows in Venezuela, including foreign artists. Many believe that the industry's revival reflects the economic boom that the Caribbean nation is experiencing in 2022. Since last year, there has been an increase in the number of music events in the ...
Brasile USA Bolivia
Bolivia: Business people propose agreement to end tensions and conflicts spiral
According to Correo del Sur, the president of the Confederation of Private Businessmen of Bolivia (CEPB), Luis Barbery, stated the need to promote an agreement for Bolivia "to get us out of the spiral of tensions, conflicts, and disagreements, which are our daily bread". This proposal was made during . ...
Marte Um, the film by Gabriel Martins, will represent Brazil at the 2023 Oscars
Brazil already has a representative in contention for the 2023 Oscars. "Marte Um" by Gabriel Martins was selected by the Brazilian Academy of Cinema and Visual Arts and will compete for one of the Best Foreign Film category nominations. The Martins, a black family from the lower middle class, live ...
Brasile Nigeria
Endividamento e inadimplência crescem em agosto, diz CNC
O endividamento das famílias com carnês e cartões de lojas de varejo e a inadimplência das famílias avançaram em agosto. O endividamento alcançou 19,4%, percentual que representa alta de 0,5 ponto percentual (p.p) se comparado ao mês anterior e de 1,2 p.p. em relação com agosto do ano passado. Já ...