PTT sells Indonesian mines
National oil and gas conglomerate PTT Plc has decided to sell its Indonesian coal mining business for US$471 million as the firm continues to move towards clean energy.
Partnership unveils education metaverse
Tech startup Creative Digital Living is joining forces with 17 Thai universities and other partners to build a metaverse education community to revolutionise the country's education industry by leveraging the power of the virtual technology.
Cina Taiwan
Tensões entre China e Taiwan elevam dólar para R$ 5,27
O acirramento das tensões políticas entre China e Taiwan interrompeu a trégua dos últimos dias no mercado financeiro. O dólar voltou a aproximar-se de R$ 5,30 e teve a maior alta diária em três semanas. A bolsa de valores, em contrapartida, descolou-se do exterior e subiu mais de 1%, puxada pela ...
Auxílio Gás será de R$ 110 em agosto, informa Caixa
Cerca de 5,6 milhões de famílias receberão R$ 110 de Auxílio Gás em agosto, anunciou hoje (2) a Caixa Econômica Federal. Até dezembro, o benefício terá o valor dobrado por causa da emenda constitucional que elevou benefícios sociais. O pagamento ocorrerá de 9 a 22 de agosto, com base no dígito ...
STF faz nova audiência de conciliação sobre cobrança do ICMS
O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) realizou hoje (2) uma nova audiência da comissão que busca conciliação entre estados e o governo federal sobre a compensação do Imposto de Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS) sobre produtos essenciais, como combustíveis, energia elétrica, comunicações e transportes coletivos. A questão é discutida na ação em que o ...
Brasile USA Argentina
Argentina: Trade deficit with Brazil grows and is the highest in the last four years
According to a private report, the trade deficit with Brazil deepened in July and is the highest in the last four years. The imbalance reached US$370 million for Argentina, the largest trade deficit since June 2018. In turn, it meant a significant deterioration compared to the . . . To ...
Brasile Colombia
How Mexican cartels took over Colombia’s cocaine business
Mexican cartels are becoming increasingly active in Colombian organized crime networks. It was revealed by the director of Judicial Investigation and Interpol (Dijin) of the Colombian National Police, Fernando Murillo. The director of Criminal Investigation of the Colombian police detailed that so far this year, 23 men of Mexican nationality ...
Kenya-based business accelerator helps 2,000 entrepreneurs scale up
GrowthAfrica works with entrepreneurs and companies who - through their businesses - make a significant positive difference to their surroundings and society at large.
Kenya Power steps up roll-out of electric car plans with tender
State-owned Kenya Power is seeking a contractor to build design charging stations, a billing and payment system and service management.
USA Kenya
Microfinance bank cedes stake to US firm
Daraja MFB was granted a licence by CBK on January 12, 2015, to carry out community microfinance bank business within the Dagoretti area in Nairobi.