Elise Mertens ook uitgeschakeld in dubbelspel op WTA Toronto
Enkele uren na haar nederlaag in het enkeltoernooi op het WTA 1.000 in het Canadese Toronto (hard/2.697.250 dollar) is Elise Mertens ook uitgeschakeld in het dubbelspel. Aan de zijde van haar vaste Russische partner Veronika Kudermetova, met wie ze het eerste reekshoofd vormt, sneuvelde ze in de tweede ronde.
Be Firm In Discharging Your Duties, Federal Govt Orders New Correctional Officers
The federal government has charged the newly commissioned officers of the Nigerian Correctional Service, to be firm and courageous in the discharge of their lawful duty. The government gave this charge when the ministerac of interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, who was the reviewing officer, spoke at the passing out parade ...
Brasile Cina Taiwan
China wants to allow self-driving cars but needs countless chips from Taiwan to do so
By Jeff Pao The Chinese government has started a one-month public consultation for a national law allowing driverless cars to run on roads and defining the legal responsibility when traffic accidents happen. The Ministry of Transport released a set of guidelines on Monday (August 8) that encourages the use of ...
Brasile USA
Peru: Agroexports grow 20.6%, totaling US$4.04 billion as of June 2022
Peruvian agricultural exports (traditional and non-traditional) totaled around US$4.04 billion in the first half of 2022, registering an increase of 20.6% compared to the same period of 2021, according to the Exporters Association (ADEX). In its breakdown, the
Brasile USA
Former foreign minister: Chile becomes synonymous with instability and incoherence
The writer, former ambassador, and former foreign minister of Chilean President Piñera, Roberto Ampuero, comments on the criticism received by the foreign policy during the government of Gabriel Boric. "Let us not blame only the Foreign Ministry (Minrel) or the Chancellor for this partial disappointment. The President is providing the ...
Brasile Argentina
Argentina announces lab construction on antarctic Vega and Snow Hill islands
That Argentina has developed a thorough plan to consolidate its territorial expansionism in the South Atlantic, South Pacific, and Antarctica is a reality that the candid Chilean . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium Membership Plan. Already Subscribed? Login Here Subscribe Login ...
Banco do Brasil tem lucro recorde de R$ 14,4 bi no primeiro semestre
O Banco do Brasil (BB) voltou a bater recorde semestral de lucro. De janeiro a junho, a instituição financeira teve lucro líquido ajustado de R$ 14,4 bilhões, crescimento de 44,9% em relação ao mesmo período do ano passado. Em nota, o BB informou que a melhoria dos lucros decorreu do aumento ...
Dólar cai para R$ 5,08 após inflação desacelerar nos EUA
A queda na inflação nos Estados Unidos (EUA) provocou uma onda de alívio no mercado financeiro global. O dólar fechou abaixo de R$ 5,10 pela primeira vez em oito semanas. A bolsa de valores emendou a sétima alta seguida e recuperou os 110 mil pontos. O dólar comercial encerrou esta quarta-feira ...
Russia Ucraina Italia
Ucraina ultime notizie. Bombe russe su case nel Donbass. Procura di Genova indaga su italiano arruolato a Kiev
Entra pienamente in vigore dalla mezzanotte di oggi il divieto di importare carbone dalla Russia per gli Stati membri dell’Ue, misura inclusa nel quinto pacchetto di sanzioni stabilito dall’Unione europea ad aprile. Le forze russe che occupano la centrale nucleare ucraina di Zaporizhia si preparano a collegarla alla Crimea e ...
Reformas a leyes de oenegés y cámaras amenaza a organizaciones del sector privado
El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Nicaragua, diputado Gustavo Porras, introdujo ante ese cuerpo legislativo un anteproyecto de ley[...]