Dólar sobe para R$ 5,16 após ata do Banco Central americano
Dólar sobe para R$ 5,16 após ata do Banco Central americano Bolsa de valores oscila, mas fecha a quarta-feira com alta de 0,17% Sustentada pelos papéis da Petrobras, os mais negociados nesta quarta-feira, bolsa de valores fecha com alta de 0,17%. Wellton Máximo – Repórter da Agência Brasil* Brasília A indicação de que o Banco ...
Com leilão de Congonhas, tráfego aéreo privatizado pode passar de 90%
A Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (Anac) realiza nesta quinta-feira (18) o leilão da sétima rodada do programa de concessões aeroportuárias. O lote prevê a venda de 15 terminais, entre os quais, aquele que é considerado a “joia da coroa” da Empresa Brasileira de Infraestrutura Aeroportuária (Infraero): o Aeroporto de ...
Morre José Luis Cutrale, presidente da gigante processadora de suco de laranja
O empresário começou a trabalhar desde jovem com o pai no Mercado Municipal da Cantareira, em São Paulo e, posteriormente, ingressou na atividade de plantio e cultivo de laranjas
McDonald’s será el sponsor principal de la flamante Copa sin Género
Este torneo unirá los puntos obtenidos por los clubes de la primera división en las categorías masculina y femenina.
Gabinete autoriza al ministro de Salud a presentar proyecto que permite a farmacias importar medicamentos
El Consejo de Gabinete autorizó este miércoles 17 de agosto al ministro de Salud, Luis Francisco Sucre, a presentar ante la Asamblea Nacional el proyecto de Ley 16-22 que modifica el artículo 8 de la Ley 24 de 1963 para permitir la importación de medicamentos por las farmacias.
Cina Taiwan
U.S. to Begin Formal Trade Talks With Taiwan
The announcement comes amid tensions with China over the self-governing island, which several American lawmakers recently visited.
Peru: 17 regions increase their exports during the first semester of 2022
The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Roberto Sánchez, highlighted that in the first six months of 2022, seventeen regions in the interior of Peru increased their exports thanks to the increase in international prices and the development of new . . . To read the full NEWS and much ...
Brasile Bolivia Paraguay
Bolivian capital migrates to tax-free Paraguay
The Bolivian-Paraguayan Binational Chamber of Commerce and Industry informed that at the moment, for every Paraguayan company that wants to invest in Bolivia, nine Bolivian companies seek to enter the Paraguayan market. A simpler tax system where the fiscal liberation for foreign capital translates into the non-payment of . . ...
Brasile Colombia USA Venezuela
Opening Colombian-Venezuelan border could generate US$8 billion
With the inauguration of Gustavo Petro, Colombia and Venezuela aim to reopen the border between both countries, considered the most commercially active in South America. According to the governor of Táchira, Freddy Bernal, in the first six months alone, the reopening would move between US$2 billion and US$8 billion. The ...
Brasile USA
Total foreign exchange flow in Brazil positive in year to August, says central bank
Foreign exchange flow in the year to Aug. 12 was positive at US$21.870 billion, the central bank announced this Wednesday, Aug. 17. In the same period last year, the result was positive at US$17.763 billion, and in the entire year 2021, there was a net inflow of US$6.134 billion. With ...