Energia solar deve responder por 17% da matriz brasileira até 2031
O ministro de Minas e Energia, Bento Albuquerque, disse hoje (5) que até 2031, a energia solar deve ser responsável por 17% da matriz brasileira. De acordo com o ministro, atualmente as fontes fotovoltaicas correspondem a 7,7% da eletricidade gerada no país. “No ano passado, a geração distribuída no Brasil foi ...
Balança comercial tem superavit de US$ 8,1 bilhões em abril
Dados do Ministério da Economia mostram que esse é o segundo o segundo melhor resultado para o mês na série histórica
Uproar over Kisumu Governor Nyong'o's plan to relocate Kisumu Boys
An uproar has greeted Kisumu Governor Anyang Nyong'o's attempt to have Kisumu Boys relocated from the Central Business District.
Drought slowed down growth of agricultural sector last year
Agriculture declined by 0.2 per cent last year, the only sector that did not record growth as Kenya's economy rebounded to grow at 7.5 per cent.
Nairobi emerges richest county, Marsabit records fastest growth
Nairobi County has emerged as the richest of the 47 counties with the output of its economy hitting Sh2.6 trillion in 2020.
Kenya's foreign trade grew by Sh600b in 2021
Data from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) indicates the country's overall trade volume increased from Sh2.2 trillion in 2020 to Sh2.8 trillion in 2021.
Credit Suisse details long-term trends
Credit Suisse, a Switzerland-based investment bank and financial services firm, issued an analysis of long-term global trends that can lead to advantageous business and investment opportunities, such as ageing populations, infrastructure and technology.
Fetco hits out at plans for transaction tax on stock trades
The Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations (Fetco) has urged the Finance Ministry to abandon a proposal to collect a transaction tax from share trades, claiming the stock market still needs tax incentives to support long-term investment.
Ucraniana Comfy em destaque na Conferência Tudo Sobre Ecommerce 2022
Diretora de marketing e consultora e uma membro da direção da quinta maior loja online na Ucrânia serão oradoras do evento profissional sobre e-commerce, que decorre a 26 de maio, no Porto.
AmCham Korea chairman offers tips for expanding business in US
James Kim, chairman and CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea, shared his insight into doing business in the US at the Global Business Forum, highlighting the need to understand the two countries’ different dynamics. The forum was ho