Nigeria: TotalEnergies Has Invested Almost U.S.$30 Billion in Nigeria Within Eight Years - Govt
[This Day] The federal government has disclosed that French oil major, TotalEnergies EP Nigeria Limited, has invested almost $30 billion in Nigeria's oil and gas sector within the space of eight years. It said the company had made a lot of investments in developing the country's oil resources since it ...
Cuba aprueba ‘Código Penal’ que castiga la subversión
El Código sustituye al de 1997 y complementa la Constitución de 2019, junto a la Ley de Amparo de derechos constitucionales y el Código de Ejecución Penal, que serán sometidos a votación en una sesión extraordinaria de la Asamblea Nacional que concluye hoy.
After 32 years, McDonald’s Plans to Sell Its Russia Business
“This is a complicated issue that’s without precedent and with profound consequences,” Chris Kempczinski, the chief executive of McDonald’s, wrote in a memo that was obtained by The Times.
PIL, guerra frena ripresa: Ue taglia stime Eurozona e Italia
(Teleborsa) - Come anticipato, la Commissione europea taglia le stime di crescita dell'Italia: il PIL dovrebbe scendere al 2,4% nel 2022 e rallentare all'1,9% nel 2023, rispetto al 4,1% e al 2,3%...
Prysmian, nuovi investimenti per aumentare capacità stabilimenti USA
(Teleborsa) - Prysmian, società quotata su Euronext Milan e attiva nel settore dei sistemi in cavo per energia e telecomunicazioni, ha annunciato un ulteriore investimento di 30 milioni di dollari...
McDonald's lascia la Russia dopo 30 anni. Contraccolpo da 1,4 miliardi
(Teleborsa) - Dopo oltre 30 anni di attività nel paese, McDonald's ha annunciato che uscirà dal mercato russo e ha avviato un processo per vendere le sue attività russe. L'annuncio della catena di...
India open to exporting wheat to needy nations despite ban
India on Sunday said it would keep a window open to export wheat to food-deficit countries at the government level despite restrictions announced two days earlier.
First durian air shipment lands at Nanning airport
The first batch of durians exported by air from Thailand has arrived at Nanning Wuxu International Airport in Guangxi, China, following an effort to boost trade between the two countries by air.
China's retail sales lowest in two years from Covid damage
BEIJING: China's retail sales slumped to its lowest in two years while factory output plunged, official data showed Monday, capturing the dismal economic fallout from Beijing's zero-Covid policy.
Vending machines the way forward
Vending machines have become a new distribution channel popular with Thai consumers as well as a novel tool for companies to launch a business as they generate good sales.