Minister Tasks Board On Protection, Security Of Nigerians’ Data
The Nigeria Data Protection Bureau (NDPB) has been tasked to ensure data protection, privacy, confidentiality and security of Nigerians in order to continue to earn the trust of the citizens within the public and private sectors. Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Isa Ibrahim Pantami, gave this charge while speaking ...
Brasil perde R$ 100 bi por ano com gasto com doenças causadas pelo fumo
Em debate promovido pelo Correio, especialistas afirmam que controle e regulação podem ajudar a barrar a venda ilícita e combater o tabagismo. Mais de 160 mil pessoas morrem por ano no país por causa do fumo
Business Sweden – nyckelaktören som inte vill prata
Halvstatliga Business Sweden har i mer än tio år jobbat hårt för att få bolag som Facebook, Amazon och Microsoft till Sverige.
Liberia: World Bank Country Director Terms U.S.$40 Million 'Lift Project' As a Game-Changer
[FrontPageAfrica] Monrovia -- The World Bank Country Director to Liberia Khwima Nthara has hailed the signing of the US$40 million International Development Association (IDA) Financing Agreement for the implementation of the Liberia Investment Finance and Trade (LIFT) project.
La nueva competencia por procesar las ventas de los comercios uruguayos
Cuáles son las empresas que unifican los pagos con tarjetas y los principales diferenciales con los que buscan posicionarse
“Me citaron y llegaron a buscarme”: Las razones del abogado Pablo Cuevas para exiliarse
El defensor de derechos humanos Pablo Cuevas confirmó a CONFIDENCIAL que salió de Nicaragua con su familia, el pasado 8[...]
L'ASPT signe une convention de partenariat avec l'Office national du tourisme de la Mauritanie
Dakar, 6 mars (APS) - L'Agence sénégalaise de promotion touristique (ASPT) déclare avoir signé avec l'Office national du tourisme de la Mauritanie (ONT) une convention de partenariat, en vue de la mise en œuvre de projets de développement touristique en Afrique de l'Ouest. - Economie
Un projet d'emploi des jeunes par l'investissement privé lancé
Dakar, 6 avr (APS) - Le projet Activ'Invest, dont le but est d'encourager les investissements privés au Sénégal avec l'ambition de créer des emplois pour les jeunes, a été officiellement lancé mardi à Dakar, sous l'égide de l'agence belge de développement (ENABEL). - Economie
Turkey reshuffles around two dozen of ambassadors
Turkey has reshuffled dozens of ambassadors, including Deputy Foreign Minister Yavuz Selim Kıran, who has been appointed as Turkey’s ambassador to Zagreb.
Turkey calls for probe into civilian deaths in Ukraine’s Bucha
Turkish Foreign Ministry on April 6 called for an independent investigation into the murder of civilians in the town of Bucha and other cities in Ukraine.