Russia says Israel using Ukraine invasion as 'distraction' from Palestinian issue
After Israel votes to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council, Russia's foreign ministry says 'regrettable' statements by Lapid 'a poorly camouflaged attempt to take advantage of the situation in Ukraine'
Brasile USA
Favelas brasileiras: 76% dos moradores têm ou querem ter um negócio
A maior parte dos 17,1 milhões de moradores de favela no Brasil tem, tinha ou quer ter um negócio. Isso é o que apontou uma pesquisa do Data Favela que foi divulgada na manhã de hoje (15) na primeira edição da Expo Favela, evento de empreendedorismo que acontece até domingo ...
Brasile USA Argentina
Food price rises almost three times more in Argentina than in neighboring countries
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - An analysis shared by Argentine Rural Confederations highlights that the ratio continues to rise "because inflation is not adequately fought" in Argentina. Inflation in Argentina is not easing. On April 13, INDEC published the hardest data of the last 20 years, monthly inflation of 6.7%. ...
Brasile Taiwan Paraguay Nigeria
Petition launched to save the Taiwan-Paraguay Polytechnic University project
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Through the Change.org platform, an internet petition website for civic, reformist, social, and vindicating the fulfillment of human rights, a citizen identified as José Manuel Arce Martínez launched the following petition, entitled "Let's save the education of our young people": "The Taiwan-Paraguay Polytechnic University was ...
Brasile Uruguay
Concern about the economy increases in Uruguay
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A new survey in Uruguay reaffirmed that today the economy represents the main concern of the population, as expressed this time by 40% of the people consulted. Thirty-two percent pointed to insecurity, followed by unemployment (20%), and rising prices and inflation (19 . . . ...
Brazil: Health Agency prohibits importation and sale of Kinder chocolates made in Belgium
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On April 14, Brazil's National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) issued a resolution prohibiting the marketing, distribution, importation, and use of Kinder brand products in the country. The measure applies to all Ferrero products manufactured in Belgium, according to the agency. "Although Brazil is not among ...
Austria Italia
Rifiuti, l'occasione persa: ceduti all'estero dove diventano energia
A Vienna una lampadina si accende con l?energia prodotta dai rifiuti che provengono dall?Italia. Risultato: l?austriaco risparmia sul costo della bolletta, l?italiano invece...
Gas russo, stop ai rinnovi dei contratti scaduti: addio a 20 miliardi di metri cubi. Stretta sul conto K
BRUXELLES - Dopo l?affondo sul petrolio, in Europa aumenta anche la pressione sul gas: con lo stop al rinnovo dei contratti in scadenza nei prossimi mesi. Nei negoziati tra i diplomatici dei...
Cina Russia
Imprese, Bevilacqua: "Eventuale asse Mosca-Pechino possibile esplosione nucleare commerciale"
(Teleborsa) - Oltre a dover far fronte al pesante aumento dei prezzi delle materie prime, le imprese italiane dovranno affrontare anche la ricerca di nuove destinazioni per i loro prodotti. La Russia...
Egypt: PM Follows Up On Sovereign Fund of Egypt's Plan to Attract More Investments
[Egypt Online] Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli said that the State is moving forward in adopting plans and proposals that would attract more domestic and foreign investments via ambitious programs meant to propel various economic sectors.