Zimbabwe: An Angel From Above Descends On Gwanzura
[The Herald] PRESIDENTIAL envoy and Ambassador-At-Large to the Americas and Europe, Prophet Uebert Angel, has pledged to bring in more investors to partner him in refurbishing Gwanzura Stadium after he injected an initial US$50 000 for the project.
Hoy por hoy
Una delegación oficial de Holanda y Bélgica visitó Colombia y ahora lo hace en Panamá. Se trata de funcionarios –judiciales, de Aduanas y alcaldes de ciudades portuarias de ambos países (Rotterdam y Amberes)– que básicamente vinieron a decirnos que el país puede hacer más para evitar el financiamiento de actividades ...
Macky Sall offre une prime spéciale de 50 millions et deux terrains à chaque joueur
Dakar, 8 fev (APS) – Le président Macky Sall a décidé d'offrir une prime spéciale de 50 millions de francs Cfa et des terrains à chacun des joueurs de l'équipe nationale victorieuse de la CAN 2021. - La Une
COVID-19 protests threaten border trade between Canada, US
Canadian lawmakers expressed increasing worry Tuesday about the economic effects of disruptive demonstrations after the busiest border crossing between the U.S. and Canada became partially blocked by truckers protesting vaccine mandates and other COVID-19 restrictions.
Pfizer sees Covid-19 drug sales topping $50bn in 2022
NEW YORK - Pfizer forecast more than $50 billion in 2022 sales for its Covid-19 vaccine and therapeutic on Tuesday as the pharmaceutical giant reported a more than doubling of annual profits on strong sales of its innoculation.
State mulls waiver for tax on stock trading
The Finance Ministry is considering the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations' (Fetco) proposal to extend the waiver of the transaction tax for stock trades because reimposing it can cause trading costs to increase by 70% for general investors and 170% for foreign investors.
Monark é demitido do Flow Podcast após apologia ao nazismo
Influenciador defendeu a criação de um partido nazista no Brasil reconhecido por lei. Programa perdeu patrocinadores por conta de declaração e repercussão negativa
China fell far short of promises it made to purchase American goods.
New data show that China effectively bought none of the additional $200 billion in goods it promised to as part of a 2020 trade deal.
Recours en suspension contre la prolongation de la loi pandémie
Les avocates Audrey Despontin et Audrey Lackner, représentant l'ASBL Notre Bon Droit, ont introduit mardi une demande de citation en urgence devant le tribunal de première ...
Nuova Zelanda
Buzzing around Wellington's hills, gathering Grafter's Honey
One man, millions of bees: Sam Pegg explains how his one-time hobby blossomed into an expansive Wellington-based honey business.