De la mano de José Ramón Mena, Invertis Securities cumple 10 años. ¿Por qué sólo ahorrar si puedes invertir?
José Ramón Mena Mauriz nunca pensó hacer carrera en la banca, pero entre números, inversiones, clientes y amigos que siguieron sus proyectos, ha sumado 28 años de experiencia en el rubro de las inversiones.
Brasile USA
Mercado financeiro eleva projeção da inflação de 5,82% para 5,88%
A previsão do mercado financeiro para o Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA), considerada a inflação oficial do país, subiu de 5,82% para 5,88% para este ano. A ...
Qatar och Kina eniga om gaskontrakt
Qatar och Kina har enats om ett 27 år långt avtal gällande export av så kallad flytande naturgas (LNG) till Kina. Avtalet ska, enligt Qatar, vara det "längsta någonsin" som skrivits under. Fyra miljoner ton ska exporteras årligen.
Regno Unito
Na Českomoravské se změní obklady. Dopravní podnik vypsal soutěž na novou podobu stanice metra
Stanice pražského metra B Českomoravská změní svou podobu. Dopravní podnik (DPP) vypsal soutěž na její nové graficko-výtvarné ztvárnění. Důvodem je to, že dosavadní keramické obložení stěn a pilířů se ukázalo jako technicky nevhodné. Soutěž navazuje na plánovanou rekonstrukci stanice. Zájemci se mohou hlásit do 1. prosince letošního roku a vítěz ...
Finance Minister vows all-out efforts to fight inflation
Shunichi Suzuki said the economy is facing headwinds from accelerating inflation, driven by surging commodity prices due to Russia's war in Ukraine and the yen's ...
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire boosts stakes in Japan’s five biggest trading houses
The move is in line with Berkshire's statement in 2020 that its investments in the Japanese trading houses were for the long term and the ...
Paesi Bassi
Silvana Heber (36) vermist vlak bij Belgische grens: partner (41) opgepakt, zoekactie gaat vandaag verder
Nederland is in de ban van de verdwijning van Silvana Heber. Van de 36-jarige vrouw uit Hoogeloon, net over de grens met België, ontbreekt sinds zaterdagochtend elk spoor. De 41-jarige partner van de vermiste vrouw is aangehouden. Gisteren hield de politie een grote zoekactie. “We sluiten niet uit dat ze ...
Webuild (in consorzio) raggiunge financial closure per ferrovia a Toronto
(Teleborsa) - Webuild, con i partner del consorzio Connect 6ix, ha raggiunto il financial closure del contratto per la realizzazione del lotto "Rolling Stock, Systems, Operations and Maintenance...
Doosan Fuel Cell signs W346.8b deal to supply hydrogen to China
Doosan Fuel Cell, the hydrogen business unit of South Korean conglomerate Doosan Group, signed a contract worth 346.8 billion won ($255 million) to supply hydrogen fuel cell to China’s combined heat and power business operator, the Korean firm
Goldfajn’s election to the Inter-American Development Bank brings recognition to Brazil
The election of former Central Bank President Ilan Goldfajn as president of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) represents the recognition of the platform presented by Brazil, said today (Nov. 20) afternoon the Ministry of Economy. In a statement, the ministry celebrated the victory, pointing out that the result was achieved ...