How I Jettisoned Scholarship To Serve God – Idoniboye
A Port Harcourt-based cleric, Pastor Akeem Idoniboye, has said he jettisoned a foreign scholarship sponsored by the federal government, so as to stay in Nigeria to serve God. He stated that he he never wanted to establish a church but was moved to do so by the spirit of God, ...
CBN’s Revised Financial Inclusion Strategy Will Improve Lives – Queen Maxima
Her Majesty Queen Maxima of the Netherlands and United Nations secretary-general’s special advocate for inclusive finance for development has said managing economic shocks remains difficult due to large scale financial illiteracy in Nigeria, a challenge she said the revised financial inclusion strategy has the potential to address. She made the ...
APM Terminal Lauds Nigeria’s Tax Law, Says It Incentivises Investment
The chief financial officer of APM Terminals Nigeria, Courage Obadagbonyi, on Tuesday, said Nigeria has great tax laws that incentivise investment. Speaking as a panelist during a session on ‘Financing Maritime Assets – Ports and Shipyards’ at the just concluded Nigeria International Maritime Summit (NIMS) 2022, Obadagbonyi said, “I am ...
Germania, PIL cresce più delle attese
(Teleborsa) - L'economia della Germania si conferma in miglioramento nel terzo trimestre del 2022, con i dati della prima lettura che vengono rivisti al rialzo. Lo comunica la lettura definitiva...
USA Panama
Venezuelans have invested more than US$1.8 billion in Panama
Between real estate and business investments in the last ten years, Venezuelans have invested more than US$1.8 billion in Panama, and more than half of them, or 65%, have tertiary or higher degrees, which makes them a very productive and skilled population to enter the labor market effectively. This is ...
Dólar cai para R$ 5,31 com bom humor externo e doméstico
Num dia de negociações reduzidas, o dólar teve forte queda e a bolsa subiu quase 3%. No mercado internacional, predominou o bom humor externo em meio ao feriado de Ação de ...
China y Corea explotarán litio en México
México recibirá inversiones de China y Corea del Sur para comenzar con la producción de baterías de litio en el país entre el tercer y cuarto trimestre de 2023, reveló el canciller mexicano, Marcelo Ebrard.
Wendy Flores y Uriel Pineda: Régimen extiende tortura a familiares de presos políticos
Los defensores de derechos humanos, Wendy Flores y Uriel Pineda, aseguraron que no existe un marco legal en Nicaragua que[...]
Musk ger amnesti sedan "folket gett sin röst"
Twitters nye ägare Elon Musk ger amnesti till dem som har haft sina konton låsta på det sociala nätverket. Beskedet från högkvarteret i San Francisco var att 72 procent av dem som röstat på Twitter ville ge vad Musk kallar amnesti.
Activistas temen que el tiempo se esté agotando para una ley transgénero en españa