Nigeria: 2021 - Drought of Foreign Investors' Dollars Pushed Return On Nigerian Stocks' to Brink
[Premium Times] Inflows of Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) for the 11 months to November totalled N189.42 billion, the lowest since 2013.
Cina Kenya
Kenya: China, Kenya Sign 6 MOUs and Agreements On Trade, Investment and Covid Support
[Capital FM] Nairobi -- China and Kenya Thursday signed six memorandums of understanding and agreements on trade, infrastructure, and other sectors in an event overseen by China's foreign minister Wang Yi and his Kenyan counterpart Raychelle Omamo.
Cina Kenya
Kenya: China, Kenya Sign 6 MOUs and Agreements On Trade, Investment
[Capital FM] Nairobi -- China and Kenya Thursday signed six memorandums of understanding and agreements on trade, infrastructure, and other sectors in an event overseen by China's foreign minister Wang Yi and his Kenyan counterpart Raychelle Omamo.
Germania, inflazione dicembre cresce più delle attese
(Teleborsa) - L'inflazione tedesca si attesta sopra le attese del mercato a dicembre. Secondo la stima preliminare pubblicata da Destatis, i prezzi al consumo sono saliti dello 0,5% su mese dopo il...
Baidy Agne plaide la promotion du consommer local
Dakar, 6 janv (APS) - Le président du Conseil national du patronat (CNP), Baidy Agne, a plaidé la promotion du consommer local, un levier porteur de création d'emplois durables et de richesses. - Economie
Le rejet de la criminalisation de l'homosexualité et la déferlante des cas de Covid à la Une
Dakar, 6 jan (APS) – Le rejet de la proposition de loi portant criminalisation de l'homosexualité et la déferlante des cas de Covid-19 sont au menu des quotidiens reçus jeudi à l'Agence de presse sénégalaise (APS). - La Une
How Corporate America Has Changed After the Capitol Riot
Business leaders promised a reckoning after the Jan. 6 riots. They’ve altered some practices, and returned to others.
Brasile Bolivia
Bolivia suspends vaccination certificate requirement until January 26
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The last minute announcement was made by Health Minister Jeyson Auza, after a meeting with the National Strategic Council for Health Emergencies. "Public, private, natural, legal, national and foreign institutions will not require the presentation of the Covid-19 vaccination certificate until January 26, 2022," Auza ...
Brasile Paraguay
Paraguay exported 326,000 tons of beef in 2021
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Paraguay's National Animal Health and Quality Service (Senacsa) closed the year 2021 with an all-time record of beef exports, with more than 326,700 tons distributed to 47 destinations worldwide. The report of the official veterinary service also refers that, during the 12 months of 2021, ...
Ein Jahr nach der Kapitol-Erstürmung: Welche Rolle spielte Trump?
Heute vor einem Jahr stürmte ein wütender Mob von Trump-Anhängerinnen und -Anhängern das Kapitol in Washington. Bis heute wird die Verantwortung des ehemaligen US-Präsidenten untersucht.