Cina USA Giappone Australia
Enthusiasm for regulation, often in areas like the climate, shows no sign of flagging
A COROLLARY OF Leviathan’s growth is rising bureaucracy. Once a regulator is created, it is never defunded. As the state becomes more involved in citizens’ lives and agencies expand, so do rulebooks. And a lot of their dos and don’ts apply to business. Patrick McLaughlin of the Mercatus Centre at George ...
Francia Giappone
Governments’ widespread new fondness for interventionism
AS WITH ALL history, capitalism’s may not repeat but it does rhyme. Periods of freer enterprise give way to ones with a more meddlesome state. When change comes, it is after crisis, occasionally exogenous (war, pandemic), at other times provoked by excesses (financial crash, depression, stagflation). Yet the metre is ...
Cina Hong Kong
The growing demand for more vigorous antitrust action
OBSERVERS OF CHINA’S rise have grown used to seeing old edifices bulldozed to make way for the new. As with bricks and mortar, so with intellectual constructs. In just 12 months President Xi Jinping has replaced a “cautious and tolerant” approach to the private sector with something much less so. ...
The long trend of falling corporate taxes is being reversed
FOR WORLD peace, the League of Nations was an abject failure. For companies, it has proved a great success. In the 1920s it set a basis for corporate taxation that has endured ever since. Recognising that taxing profits in different places can hurt trade and growth, rights to tax were ...
Cina Regno Unito
Many countries are seeing a revival of industrial policy
AS NATIONAL ECONOMIES and international trade were liberalised after the stagflation of the late 1970s, governments increasingly decided to allow corporate behaviour to follow commercial logic. Multinationals set up shop where it made most sense, allocating resources, outsourcing labour and automating factories to minimise costs and maximise profits. The reforms ...
However justified, more government intervention risks being counterproductive
ON THE SURFACE business has seldom had it so good. Profits and share prices are near record levels. Pandemic-relief packages have involved little arm-twisting by governments, and lots of corporate welfare. Megadeals are at an all-time high in America and plentiful elsewhere. What’s not to like? As this special report has ...
BES: Defesas de Morais Pires e José Espírito Santo pedem absolvição de coimas da CMVM
Flor Valente, advogada de Morais Pires, e Rui Patrício, mandatário de José Manuel Espírito Santo, procuraram convencer o Tribunal da Concorrência que a Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) não poderia ter condenado os seus clientes por infração à obrigação de prestar informação de qualidade nas notas informativas emitidas ...
Dólar sobe para R$ 5,67, após duas quedas seguidas
Depois de uma trégua no fim da semana passada, o cenário externo voltou a pesar, fazendo o dólar iniciar a semana aproximando-se de R$ 5,70. A bolsa de valores interrompeu uma sequência de altas e caiu quase 1%, em meio ao receio com o aumento de juros globais. O dólar comercial ...
Moradores de 48 cidades de MG e BA sacarão abono salarial antecipado
Trabalhadores com carteira assinada de 48 municípios de Minas Gerais e da Bahia afetados pelas enchentes, em dezembro de 2021, terão direito a sacar o abono salarial em 8 de fevereiro, independentemente do mês de nascimento. O anúncio foi feito há pouco pelo ministro do Trabalho e Previdência, Onyx Lorenzoni, ...
Barômetros Globais sinalizam melhora no início de 2022
Após caírem na maior parte do segundo semestre de 2021, os Barômetros Econômicos Globais, indicadores que permitem analisar o desenvolvimento econômico mundial, sobem pelo segundo mês consecutivo, informou hoje (10) o Instituto Brasileiro de Economia da Fundação Getulio Vargas (Ibre/FGV). O Barômetro Coincidente se mantém acima da média histórica, enquanto ...