Brasile USA
Bitfarms, the Argentine company turned unicorn with the surge of Bitcoin
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Argentine cryptocurrency mining company Bitfarms became the country's ninth to reach unicorn status after yesterday's Bitcoin surge in value to US$45,821. Two Argentine founders succeeded in raising Bitfarms' business valuation to over US$1 billion, placing the business, operating in Canada and listed both on Wall ...
Une convention-cadre pour faciliter l'accès de la diaspora au logement
Dakar, 10 août (APS) - Le ministère des Affaires étrangères et des Sénégalais de l'extérieur et la Société d'aménagement et de gestion (SAGE) ont signé, mardi, à Dakar, une convention-cadre de partenariat visant à promouvoir l'accès au logement des sénégalais de la diaspora, a constaté l'APS. - Société
Por la fuerte caída de su cosecha, Brasil prevé exportar un 32,6% menos de maíz
En su informe mensual, la Conab ajustó hoy su estimación de producción de 93,38 a 86,50 millones de toneladas, lo que marcó un quebranto del 15,5% frente a los 102,52 millones de la campaña anterior
Transporte internacional uruguayo solicita al BPS beneficios impositivos
La Cámara Autotransporte Terrestre Internacional del Uruguay entiende que esto ayudaría a combatir la informalidad.
Sales of fever and pain relievers spike in Japan amid spread of vaccines
With more and more people receiving their COVID-19 vaccine doses in Japan, sales of fever and pain relievers are also expanding sharply.The number of people ...
Japan’s July economy sentiment up as COVID-19 emergency mostly lifted
An official said the Tokyo Olympics, which opened on July 23, helped increase spending on items consumed at home.
Embu brothers were killed on first day of new business
The two Embu brothers who died over a week ago had earlier that day opened a small pork business.
Ryanair recruta mais de 300 pessoas em Portugal
A companhia aérea irlandesa Ryanair anunciou esta terça-feira o lançamento de uma campanha para recrutar mais de 300 pilotos, tripulantes de cabine e profissionais de TI (Tecnologia da Informação) para novos empregos nas bases portuguesas.
AMCON Denies Plans To Take Over Dangote Refinery
Contrary to some reports that the Assets Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) could take over the Dangote Refinery over debts owed by the Dangote Group to banks, the corporation have denied such claims, saying it have no business with the group. Some online news platforms had on Tuesday reported that ...
Assault: Nigerian Envoy To Indonesia To Return Home For Consultations
The Federal Government has taken steps to address the reported arrest and manhandling of a Nigerian diplomat serving in Jakarta, Indonesia, as the Nigerian Ambassador to the Asian country, Usman Ogah, is set to return home for consultations on the issue. The move was coming after the Minister of Foreign ...