Atividade econômica tem alta de 1,14% em junho, diz Banco Central
A atividade econômica brasileira registrou alta em junho deste ano, de acordo com dados divulgados hoje (13) pelo Banco Central (BC). O Índice de Atividade Econômica do Banco Central (IBC-Br) apresentou aumento de 1,14% em junho de 2021 em relação ao mês anterior, de acordo com os dados dessazonalizados (ajustados para o ...
Trabalhadores nascidos em setembro podem sacar auxílio emergencial
Trabalhadores informais e inscritos no Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais do Governo Federal (CadÚnico) nascidos em setembro podem sacar, a partir de hoje (13) a quarta parcela do auxílio emergencial 2021. O dinheiro foi depositado nas contas poupança digitais da Caixa Econômica Federal em 27 de julho. Os recursos também podem ser transferidos para uma conta-corrente, sem ...
Vingt-cinq ans après l'affaire Dutroux, la Belgique reste marquée par l'horreur
Voici les sept grandes leçons d'une année 1996 traumatisante, à l'issue de laquelle Marc Dutroux a été arrêté et les corps de Julie et Mélissa retrouvés. ...
Costa Rica
Tenemos que abrir la economía
Ya superamos la barrera de los primeros seis meses del año y no vemos la luz al final del túnel. Mientras otros países como Costa Rica, México y República Dominicana luchan también contra el coronavirus (Covid-19), mantienen abierta la puerta abierta al turismo.
Brazil’s loyalty program Dotz gains traction in marketplaces and financial services
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In its first post-IPO results, Dotz is showing early signs that it is successfully executing its strategy to increase monetization of its 50 million customers, the company's main promise during its roadshow. The fintech, which began as a loyalty program, grew its marketplace's (Gross Merchandise ...
BMW celebrates boom in Brazil and studies new national models
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The German brand is celebrating its positive performance in Brazil, where it saw its sales in the first half rising by more than 30%. With a market share of almost 40%, BMW saw its competitors wane and despite the pandemic year posted a 43% increase ...
Tunisia: Webinar On Development of Tunisian-Libyan Investments Next August 18
[Tunis Afrique Presse] Tunis/Tunisia -- The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sfax (French: CCIS) will organise on August 18 a webinar on the "Development of Tunisian-Libyan Investments".
Africa: Why Investing in Emerging Markets is a Win for Investors and African Companies
[allAfrica] CEO of Development Partners International (DPI) Runa Alam talks about the history of Pan-African private equity, the potential for institutional capital to drive the continent's development, and the role of the Prosper Africa initiative in catalyzing two-way trade and investment between the United States and African nations.
Turkey sees more than 660,000 house sales in January-July period
Turkey recorded 660,595 house sales in the January-July period, down 22.7 percent year-on-year, the country's statistical authority announced on Aug. 13.
Corea del Sud
Jailed Samsung chief released on parole
SEOUL: The jailed de facto leader of the giant Samsung group walked free on parole Friday, the latest instance of South Korea's long tradition of freeing business leaders imprisoned for corruption or tax evasion on economic grounds.