Greve da Groundforce leva ao cancelamento de 321 voos no aeroporto de Lisboa
O segundo dia da greve dos trabalhadores da empresa de "handling" Groundforce levou ao cancelamento de 321 dos 515 voos previstos para este domingo no aeroporto de Lisboa, anunciou ANA -- Aeroportos de Portugal.
Para la Cámara de Comercio la crisis económica supera a la sanitaria
Para la Cámara de Comercio, Industrias y Agricultura de Panamá (Cciap) resulta incomprensible que el Ministerio de Salud (Minsa) y su titular, Luis Francisco Sucre, insistan en repetir las fórmulas que han sumido al país en la actual crisis económica.
The Week in Business: Inflation, Billionaires in Space and Other Things Going Up
Prices are rising. China's economy is still growing, but at a slower pace. And airline travel is back.
Joint Venture between Gerdau and Shell Brazil brings solar energy to Minas Gerais state
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - As far as Gerdau and Shell Brazil are concerned, Minas Gerais will have a solar energy joint venture. The companies announced the signing of a term of cooperation that establishes the premises for the joint discussion and constitution of a photovoltaic park in the municipality ...
Propadlíci? Pětka je vizitka učitele. Kantoři by si měli u žáků všímat každého zhoršení
Každý rok na základních školách propadne zhruba šest až sedm tisíc žáků, což je podle České odborné společnosti pro inkluzivní vzdělávání (ČOSIV) neúnosně vysoké číslo. Odborníci žádají, aby se tolik nepropadalo, v ideálním případě by vůbec neměla nastat situace, kdy dítěti na konci školního roku vychází nedostatečná.
Adopting open data for finance could boost economic growth in 10 years
The benefits of open data are currently being witnessed in Kenya's microcredit industry.
Ethiopia: Ethiopia Keeps Africa's Investment Hub
[Ethiopian Herald] Different investment related information indicate that Ethiopia is being considered a promising place for investment. The investment information providers assured that the country is a strategic destination for multinational investors following its diversified investment opportunities and various investment incentives by the government.
Mais de metade dos voos cancelados em Lisboa devido à greve da Groundforce
O segundo dia de greve na Groundforce levou já ao cancelamento de 301 voos de e para Lisboa, dos 511 previstos para este domingo, e 26 de e para o Porto, segundo fonte oficial da ANA.
Nuestra libertad y otros privilegios
El domingo pasado estalló una ola de manifestaciones y protestas en Cuba a favor de la democracia, la libertad y los derechos humanos. Sin lugar a duda, éstas han sido las mayores protestas que esta nación aislada de libertad ha registrado en 60 años.
Fidelity Bank Supports SMEs With Unique Empowerment Schemes
Fidelity Bank Plc has supported the Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) with unique empowerment schemes in a bid to expand these businesses. As Nigeria grapples with an absurdly high unemployment rate, the situation has inadvertently provided a ray of hope, as evidenced by an astronomical rise in business development ideas among ...