Brasile Colombia
Colombia received 110 foreign investment projects in the first half of 2021
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Colombia received 110 foreign investment projects in the first semester of 2021 that come from 28 countries and are estimated to create more than 90,400 new jobs, official sources reported. The state promotion agency ProColombia said in a statement that it facilitated the arrival of ...
Brasile USA
Brazil’s Nubank partners with Remessa Online to offer international money transfer service
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Nubank, Latin America's largest digital bank, on Monday (26) began offering an international money transfer service for customers to send and receive money from abroad through its app, in partnership with Remessa Online international money transfer platform. "Offering international transfers through a partnership was the ...
Will US’ HAAH be able to salvage cash-strapped SsangYong Motor?
After HAAH Automotive Holdings, a US-based automobile distributor, confirmed its intention to acquire SsangYong Motor, eyes are on whether the American firm, which just gave up on its Chinese car business with a bankruptcy filing, will be able to clo
Turkey's sectoral confidence increases in July
Confidence in Turkey's key sectors of services, construction, and retail trade increased month-on-month in July, according to the country's statistical authority on July 26.
Cina Pakistan
Anche la Cina deve fare i conti con la crisi in Afghanistan
Il ritiro dei militari americani da Kabul mette Pechino in difficoltà su tre fronti: gli investimenti in Afghanistan, la lotta all’indipendentismo uiguro e alle possibili collaborazioni con i taliban, e gli accordi commerciali con il Pakistan. Leggi
Economy of coup-wracked Myanmar to contract 18%: World Bank
Myanmar's economy is expected to shrink by 18% in 2021, the World Bank said Monday, as a result of massive unrest following a military coup and a resurgent coronavirus outbreak.
USA, vendite case nuove a giugno peggio delle attese
(Teleborsa) - Giù la vendita di case nuove negli Stati Uniti a giugno, seppur ad un ritmo più contenuto rispetto alla rilevazione precedente (-7,8%). Il dato ha evidenziato un decremento del 6,7% a...
Coca-Cola Uruguay lanza ProgramON para acompañar a los jóvenes en su inserción laboral
En conjunto con la asociación civil Chicos.Net, Coca-Cola Uruguay presenta ProgramON, una iniciativa que busca brindar herramientas para el acceso al mercado laboral a jóvenes de entre 17 y 24 años. Las inscripciones al programa son limitadas y se extenderán hasta el miércoles 4 de agosto inclusive.
Nobilis lanza dos nuevos fondos de inversión con los que aspira a captar US$ 200 millones
La gestora de patrimonios Nobilis recibió la autorización del Banco Central del Uruguay para lanzar el Fondo Estrategia Renta Fija Global y el Fondo Estrategia Renta Variable Global, dos nuevos fondos de inversión con los que busca alcanzar US$ 200 millones en dos años.
Llegaron los Kits Solares Gianni que permiten extraer y transportar agua estés donde estés
Gianni lanzó al mercado una serie de revolucionarios Kits Solares, que brindan la posibilidad de extraer o transportar agua en cualquier punto del país, sin necesidad de una red eléctrica alrededor.