Plaidoyer pour la promotion de l'investissement des migrants
Dakar, 2 juil (APS) – Le Secrétaire exécutif d'Enda Dialogue Politique (DIAPOL), Mamadou Abdoulaye Mbengue, a plaidé, vendredi, pour la mise en place d'un cercle de réflexion et d'actions communes visant à promouvoir l'investissement productif des migrants. - Actualités
Topadvocaat Mounia Benabdallah: ‘Mislukken kon ik me niet permitteren’
Van Osdorp tot New York – dat is het succesverhaal van Mounia Benabdallah, partner bij advocatenkantoor Baker McKenzie. Ze ziet veel succesvolle migranten, al worden die nog te vaak als uitzondering gezien. „Ik probeer bruggen te bouwen.”
Hyundai Motor, Kia record all-time high sales in US
Hyundai Motor and Kia witnessed all-time high sales in the United States in the first half of this year, the companies said Friday. The two automotive brands of the largest Korean automobile group sold a combined 804,944 vehicles in the US in the f
Angola: Angolan State and Investors to Negotiate Incentives
[ANGOP] Luanda -- The introduction of the Contractual Regime in the Private Investment Law (LIP) will allow the negotiation of tax incentives between state and potential investors.
Greve afeta comboios de longo curso e regionais, urbanos circulam
Os comboios de longo curso, intercidades e alguns regionais foram suprimidos por causa da greve dos trabalhadores das Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP), que não impediu os comboios urbanos em Lisboa e no Porto, onde há apenas alguns atrasos.
Crise de chips trava recuperação das vendas de carros
A crise dos semicondutores já está a travar a recuperação das vendas de carros em Portugal. Em junho, foram comprados 22 232 veículos, segundo os números ontem divulgados pela Associação Automóvel de Portugal.
Mastercard quer trazer 50 milhões de PME para a economia digital
A Mastercard trouxe a Lisboa mais uma edição do Innovation Fórum, subordinado ao tema “Time to Accelerate”. Maria Antónia Saldanha, 'country manager' da Mastercard em Portugal, lembrou que “os consumidores estão ávidos por novas experiências digitais” e que “93% das pessoas estão mesmo a pensar planear a utilização de um ...
Chile’s economy grows 18.1% in May and is back to the pace of prepandemic levels -Central Bank
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Chile’s Central Bank Thursday reported an 18.1% economic growth in May, which has brought it back to the pace of prepandemic levels. “The level of activity before the pandemic has recovered,” Central Bank President Mario Marcel announced. “If the level of activity before the social ...
Brazil’s Mercado Bitcoin is Latin America’s 1st crypto unicorn after raising US$200 million
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The 2TM Group, which controls cryptocurrency brokerage Mercado Bitcoin, is now worth US$2.1 billion and becomes the industry's 1st Latin American unicorn. Mercado Bitcoin, the Brazilian exchange that has become the largest Latin American platform for trading digital assets, has announced it has received a ...
Brazil’s Economy Minister confirms 2 new job recovery programs
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Economy Minister Paulo Guedes announced that in the coming weeks there will be 2 additional measures aimed at boosting the job market. The statement was made to the press on Thursday, July 1, after the General Register of Employment and Unemployment (CAGED) disclosed the May ...