Brasile Uruguay
Bradesco tem lucro recorrente de R$ 6,5 bi no 1º trimestre, salto de 73% sobre 2020
O Bradesco teve lucro líquido recorrente de R$ 6,515 bilhões no primeiro trimestre, com alta anual de 73,6%. Na comparação com o quarto trimestre, houve queda de 4,2%. O resultado ficou acima da média das projeções dos analistas consultados pelo Valor, que apontava ganho de R$ ...
Commodities: Com pouca chuva no Brasil, açúcar volta a subir em NY
Preços do café também avançaram na sessão; cacau, algodão e suco de laranja fecharam em baixa Ainda sob influência da falta de chuvas no Brasil, o açúcar fechou mais uma vez em alta na bolsa de Nova York nesta terça-feira. Os contratos do demerara para julho, os de maior liquidez ...
Em NY, Nasdaq fecha em queda com tombo das empresas de tecnologia
A Apple recuou 3,54%, a Microsoft anotou queda de 1,62%, a Amazon, de 2,20%, a Alphabet, de 1,55%, e o Facebook, de 1,31%; o índice tecnológico anotou queda de 1,88% no pregão desta terça (4) O índice tecnológico Nasdaq fechou em queda nesta terça-feira (4), puxado para ...
ESI, socio di maggioranza cede il 10,68% del capitale
(Teleborsa) - ESI, società italiana attiva nel mercato delle energie rinnovabili che opera come EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) e System Integrator (quotata all'AIM Italia), ha...
‘A Land Grab’ for a Piece of New York’s Marijuana Business
Cannabis companies and brokers are rushing into what could be a $4.2 billion industry, but for all the excitement, there are significant challenges.
Brasile Colombia
Colombia’s Duque calls for dialogue without “ideological differences” in the face of protests
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The President of Colombia, Iván Duque, called today to the different political, judicial, business, and social movements of the country to a dialogue “without ideological differences” to solve national problems and the violence that in seven days has claimed the lives of at least 19 ...
Tax and administrative reforms are priorities, says Brazil’s Economy Minister
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Economy Minister Paulo Guedes on Tuesday, May 4, stressed that tax and administrative reforms are government priorities that only had their advance interrupted because of the Covid-19 pandemic. "They are indeed priorities, the tax and administrative reforms, which were in our government program's natural sequence. ...
Brasile Paraguay
Paraguay submits to Congress law with penal definitions in line with the pandemic
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The head of the Civil Cabinet of Paraguay, Hernán Huttemann, announced on Tuesday that the President, Mario Abdo Benítez, has submitted to Congress a health emergency bill to improve the existing measures and establish new penalties in accordance with the current situation. Huttemann recalled that ...
Loi transgenre: une évolution en demi-teinte
Depuis la loi transgenre du 1er janvier 2018, les demandes de changement de genre sur la carte d'identité ont explosé. En 2020, 414 nouvelles demandes ont ...
Kenya-TZ sign gas pipeline deal as President Suluhu closes first day of State visit
The two said ministers would meet regularly to boost relations and solve regional challenges that hurt business.