Brasile Cina USA Nuova Zelanda
Disparada de commodities, venda da Eletrobras e desempenho do varejo: As notícias mais quentes do dia
Confira o que você precisa saber e acompanhar nesta sexta-feira Minério de ferro segue em alta e cobre tem recorde Os futuros do minério de ferro na China abriram em alta nesta sexta, depois de o preço ter passado ontem a marca recorde de US$ 200 por ...
Leia as manchetes desta sexta-feira dos principais jornais brasileiros
Veja os destaques da imprensa nacional VALOR - Venda da Eletrobras vai gerar R$ 100 bi, projeta o governo - Patentes ainda sem definição no STF - Na CPI, Queiroga é evasivo sobre uso da cloroquina - Turismo joga suas fichas na vacinação O GLOBO - Ação policial mais letal do Rio deixa 25 mortos em ...
Norwegian sees Caribbean as cruise option if Florida hurdles persist
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Norwegian said that the Caribbean could be an alternative for its operations should they be forced to comply with a Florida law that refuses mandatory vaccinations. A measure contrary to a federal directive that conditions the reactivation of cruise ships in U.S. ports to the ...
Brasile Colombia
Chile condemns “vandalism and violence” in Colombia and calls for respect for human rights
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Chilean government on Thursday lamented the dozens of deaths and injuries registered in protests in recent days in Colombia and condemned "vandalism and violence, whatever their origin." In a brief statement, the Chilean Foreign Ministry also praised the call for a dialogue table made ...
Brasile USA
Brazil suspends agricultural subsidized financing; deadlock impacts next harvest
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ministry of Economy said that financial institutions operating credit lines subsidized by the National Treasury are being notified to immediately suspend new contracts for subsidized financing, at a time when there are still over R$9 (US$1.71) billion in resources to be contracted in the ...
Saudi Arabia suspends poultry meat sales by JBS and 2 other Brazilian companies
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Saudi Arabia, Brazil's second largest buyer of chicken meat, has suspended exports of the protein from 11 Brazilian plants, 7 of which belong to the JBS group (JBSS3), at a time when the Arab country is seeking to increase domestic production to supply itself. The ...
Cina Croazia Italia
#FARNESINAXLEIMPRESE - L’Italia e Yangzhou stringono nuovi legami economici e culturali sulla via di Marco Polo
Una municipalità di quattro milioni e mezzo di abitanti nell'area del Delta del fiume Azzurro, una delle zone a maggior tasso di sviluppo della Cina. È Yangzhou, la città con il più alto PIL pro-capite nel Paese del Dragone, che sta consolidando il suoi legami con l’Italia, non solo nel settore...
USA, deludono i +266 mila occupati di aprile. Tasso disoccupazione al 6,1%
(Teleborsa) - Peggiore delle aspettative il dato sul mercato del lavoro in USA ad aprile. Secondo i dati forniti dal Bureau of Labour Statistics, il tasso di disoccupazione sale al 6,1% contro il 6%...
Lighting up rural Kenya: Energy agency to double county investments
The corporation has said it would match investments made by county governments in lighting up their respective areas.
Falling Oil, Gas Prices, High Shipping Cost Affecting Nigeria, South Korea Trade Relations
By Chinelo Chikelu, Abuja The South Korean Ambassador to Nigeria, Young-Chae Kim, has said that the falling prices of oil and gas, delay in ports and high shipping costs, have negatively impacted bilateral trade between his country and Nigeria. Ambassador Kim, who spoke to journalists in Abuja on the occasion ...