Minério de ferro segue em disparada e bate em US$ 230, novo recorde
Tonelada no porto de Qingdao, na China, fechou em alta de 8,6%, a US$ 230,56; alta acumulada é de 22% em apenas dez dias e de quase 44% no ano Os preços do minério de ferro seguem em disparada no mercado à vista e renovaram o recorde ...
MetrôRio e governo assinam aditivo de contrato; tarifa do metrô do RJ é fixada em R$ 5,80
Rio de Janeiro passará a ter a tarifa de transporte público mais cara do Brasil, segundo o Indec A Invepar – Investimentos e Participações em Infraestrutura – informou que a sua controlada MetrôRio, responsável pelo metrô do Rio de Janeiro, e o governo do Estado do Rio ...
Brasile Bolivia
Chile and Bolivia work to resume diplomatic relations after decades-long hiatus
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Chile and Bolivia, which have had no formal diplomatic relations since 1978, resumed the dialogue suspended in 2010 and agreed to implement a road map, which does not include the Bolivian maritime demand, Chilean Foreign Minister Andres Allamand said Friday, May 7th. "In order to ...
Brasile USA Argentina
U.S. investors withdraw up to 25% of their investment from Brazil, Mexico and Argentina
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to a recent report from the Treasury Department, investors from the United States are rapidly fleeing the once most promising and three largest countries of Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina). A total of US$16.3 billion of US investments pulled out of Brazil, US$11.5 ...
Chile: Sebastián Piñera enacts law permitting change in surname order
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "This law contributes to the cultural change we are promoting in terms of equality between men and women," said Monica Zalaquett. Chilean President Sebastián Piñera on Sunday, May 9th, enacted a law permitting to change the order of surnames, a measure that would favor equality ...
Jair Bolsonaro congratulates police on controversial operation leaving 28 dead in Rio favela
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The president of Brazil, ultra-conservative Jair Bolsonaro, on Sunday, May 9, congratulated the police for their questionable operation last Thursday in a favela in Rio de Janeiro that left 28 dead, amid serious allegations of abuses by the law enforcement agents. In his social network ...
Repubblica Ceca Italia
Praga, show digitale su cucina italiana e dieta mediterranea
Uno show digitale interattivo sulla cucina italiana e la dieta mediterranea, dal titolo “Jíme italsky!”, si terrà giovedì 20 maggio per iniziativa dell’Ambasciata d'Italia a Praga e la CAMIC - Camera di Commercio e dell'Industria Italo-Ceca. L’evento, in programma alle 11 sulla...
Brasile Italia
Diplomazia Economica Italiana 10 maggio: ultime news dal mondo
BUSINESS FORUM ITALIA-MINAS GERAIS Si terrà il prossimo 11 maggio alle ore 14 italiane il Business Forum Italia-Minas Gerais, promosso dalla Farnesina, in collaborazione con il Consolato d'Italia a Belo Horizonte, Agenzia ICE, Confindustria e Camera italo-brasiliana di Minas Gerais. Nella sessione...
Revo punta all'AIM Italia. La Spac di Minali e Costamagna specializzata su insurtech e mercato specialty
(Teleborsa) - Revo, la Spac promossa da Alberto Minali Presidente e Claudio Costamagna Amministratore delegato, attiva nel settore assicurativo, punta a raccogliere 200 milioni di euro con la...
USA Nigeria
Unity In Diversity (Column)
By Zainab Altine Yusuf It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences. – Audre Lorde The promotion of national unity is not a new discourse in Nigeria, a predominantly diverse nation in culture, ethnicity, language, and religion. It is ...