Setor privado pede desmate zero e empenho diplomático
Ideia é que país se coloque como líder global da economia verde Empresários e a ex-ministra do Meio Ambiente Izabella Teixeira defenderam que o Brasil volte a perseguir desmatamento zero e se coloque como líder de uma economia verde. O reclamo veio na terça-feira, às vésperas da Cúpula de Líderes, ...
Burlas com serviços financeiros aumentam na pandemia
Entre janeiro e abril, Banco de Portugal denunciou 27 casos à Procuradoria-Geral da República, mais do que em todo o ano de 2019. PSD e PS querem mais proteção dos consumidores e exigem regras apertadas para publicidade e juristas. Debate no Parlamento hoje.
A força de superação do tecido empresarial do Alto Minho
A próxima conferência "Portugal que faz", promovida pelo Novo Banco, chega ao Alto Minho e pretende debater os desafios trazidos pela pandemia ao tecido empresarial da região.
Changes in Brazil’s foreign exchange regulations pave the way for PIX international
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The next steps for Pix, the Central Bank (BC) instant payment system, may include the implementation of the international Pix, which will enable real-time transfer of funds abroad from Brazil. The tool is under study, but the Central Bank should soon propose a number of ...
Credit Suisse reports a loss as regulators open an investigation.
Switzerland’s financial regulator said it would look into whether Credit Suisse was doing a poor job monitoring the riskiness of its investments.
Turkey’s home appliance sales soared in first quarter
Turkey’s home appliance sales and exports soared in the first quarter of this year, according to a sectoral group head.
Export growth for March seen at 8%
Commerce Minister Jurin Laksanawisit expects 8% growth of exports in March, driven partly by a squad of national and provincial "salesmen" who are helping arrange online business matching between Thai exporters and foreign buyers to boost trade.
Economy still likely to grow
The Thai economy is expected to grow 2.6% this year as the third wave of Covid is unlikely to affect the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) Index as much as the previous waves, says Asia Plus Securities (ASPS).
Mercado Libre lanza la primera edición de Conectadas
El objetivo es acercar el potencial de la tecnología a chicas de Latinoamérica.
Transportistas logran negociar contratos de carga, mientras combustibles siguen subiendo
Los miembros de la Asociación de Transportistas de Nicaragua (ATN) lograron avanzar positivamente en las negociaciones con sus clientes para[...]