The company that produced ‘Parasite’ is in talks to buy Endeavor’s scripted content arm.
Endeavor is being forced to reduce its ownership stake in its scripted content business as a result of a settlement with the Writers Guild of America.
Brasile Paraguay
Paraguay: a lawyer planned the assassination of a German man and his daughter
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After two simultaneous raids in Lambaré, Jimmy Alberto Páez Giret (46), a lawyer by profession, who was disqualified from practicing law, was arrested. The man was now arrested for being implicated in the murder of the German citizen Bernard Von Bredow and his teenage daughter ...
Brasile Bolivia
Opposition maintains pressure on Bolivian government; intends to repeal law enacted 3 days ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Opposition groups in Bolivia continue to exert pressure on the government of Luis Arce, who has yielded to the repeal of a controversial law to stop a 9-day strike, and now faces new demands to repeal another, recently enacted. Law 1407, also called 'Plan de ...
CADE 2021: 8 out of 10 SMEs are informal in Peru
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Ana María Choquehuanca, president of the Association of Small Business Associations of Peru (Pyme Perú), said this Thursday that micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are still affected by the consequences of COVID-19, and that many of them have gone into informality, for which a reactivation ...
Brasile USA Uruguay
Uruguay moves forward with free trade agreement for meat exports to the U.S.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The United States Meat Importers Council (MICA) announced that members of its organization agree that a free trade agreement should be concluded between the United States and Uruguay to improve access of Uruguayan meat to their country, according to the South American country's National Meat ...
Brasile Bielorussia
Intanto nel mondo
Il primo ministro indiano Narendra Modi revoca una contestata riforma del mercato agricolo, la Bielorussia comincia a rimpatriare i migranti in Iraq, aumenta la deforestazione in Brasile. Leggi
L'UCG et PROPLAST en synergie pour le recyclage des déchets plastiques
Dakar, 18 nov (APS) - L'Unité de coordination de la gestion des déchets solides (UCG) et PROPLAST, une société industrielle spécialisée dans la collecte et le recyclage du plastique, viennent de signer une convention de partenariat portant sur le tri-sélectif et le recyclage des 200 tonnes de déchets plastiques produits ...
Regno Unito
Regno Unito, rimbalzano le vendite al dettaglio in ottobre
(Teleborsa) - Aumentano le vendite al dettaglio in Regno Unito. Secondo l'Office for National Statistics, nel mese di ottobre, hanno segnato un incremento dello 0,8% su base mensile, dopo il -0,2%...
Coronavirus en Argentina: casos en Taboada, Santiago del Estero al 19 de noviembre
Un repaso por el número de enfermos actuales, curados y fallecidos en el distrito de la provincia de Santiago del Estero según los datos abiertos del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación
Coronavirus en Argentina: casos en Silipica, Santiago del Estero al 19 de noviembre
Un repaso por el número de enfermos actuales, curados y fallecidos en el distrito de la provincia de Santiago del Estero según los datos abiertos del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación