Paesi Bassi
NVWA treedt hard op tegen illegale puppyhandel: ‘Het loopt de spuigaten uit’
Het loopt de spuigaten uit met de illegale hondenhandel in Nederland, waarschuwt de Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA). Het aantal meldingen over illegale import stijgt het afgelopen jaar fors en daarmee neemt het risico op de verspreiding van hondsdolheid toe.
Coronavirus en Argentina hoy: cuántos casos registra Santiago del Estero al 3 de octubre
Thailandia Singapore
ThaiBev focuses on food business rejig
Thai Beverage (ThaiBev), the Singapore-listed food and beverage company, has revved up transformation of its food business group to overcome the pandemic in an effort to become the market leader of the food chain in Thailand by 2025.
China's Power Shortfalls Begin to Ripple Around the World
China is struggling with widespread power shortfalls, dealing a blow to the recovery of the second-largest economy and risking disruption to global supply chains and heightened inflationary pressure around the world.
Australia Nuova Zelanda
Covid-19 Delta outbreak: Newborn baby tests positive for virus, more Waikato cases confirmed
COVID LATEST:* Govt needs to make vaccination mandatory for workers: business leader * Derek Cheng: Why level 2 in Auckland would resign the city to the fate of Melbourne, Sydney * C
Brasile USA
Ministros dizem que empresas no exterior foram declaradas
O ministro da Economia, Paulo Guedes, e o presidente do Banco Central (BC), Roberto Campos Neto, responderam hoje (3) a matérias que afirmam que ambos teriam participações em offshores localizadas em paraísos fiscais. Os dois informaram que as empresas foram declaradas à Receita Federal, à Comissão de Ética Pública e às demais ...
Caixa paga hoje auxílio emergencial a nascidos em dezembro
Trabalhadores informais nascidos em dezembro recebem hoje (3) a sexta parcela da nova rodada do auxílio emergencial. O benefício tem parcelas de R$ 150 a R$ 375, dependendo da família. O pagamento também será feito a inscritos no Cadastro Único de Programas Sociais do Governo Federal (CadÚnico) nascidos no mesmo mês. O dinheiro é depositado nas contas poupança ...
Brasile USA
Venture capital investments in Brazil set a record in the year and total US$6.3 billion
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The investments of venture capital funds reached a historical record of R$ 33.5 (US$6.3) billion in the first nine months of 2021, according to a quarterly survey conducted by the Brazilian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (Abvcap) in partnership with KPMG. The volume is ...
Credit Suisse offices raided over Greensill funds
Swiss police seize documents related to collapsed supply-chain finance firm
Biden official says protecting US steel a national security issue
Commerce secretary Gina Raimondo’s use of Trump’s language on trade is warning shot to EU