Live do Valor: Bernardo Parnes, da Investment One, fala sobre o mercado de capitais brasileiro nesta terça, às 11h
Bernardo Parnes, sócio-fundador da assessoria financeira Investment One, é o entrevistado da Live do Valor nesta terça, dia 22, às 11h. Ele fará uma análise sobre o mercado de capitais brasileiro. A entrevista, que será conduzida pela repórter especial do Valor Maria Luíza Filgueiras, pode ser acompanhada ...
Nuova Zelanda
Board divided over asset sales
Members of the Howick Local Board were divided over a plan to raise money by selling a number of Auckland Council-owned properties in east Auckland. The board’s members took part in an at times contentious debate on the issue during their business meeting last month which was conducted online due ...
Manufacturers commit to bridge skills gap
KAM, GIZ partner to promote skills development in Kenya.
Pressure on Brazil’s Economy Minister Rises with Freezing of ‘Renda Brasil’
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Political and ideological clashes are part of the daily life of any government. During President Fernando Henrique Cardoso's second term, there were clashes within the economic team between developmental and monetarist groups. On the one hand, there were those who favored public spending as an ...
Brasile Argentina
Financial Times: Government, Not Pandemic, Drives Businesses Away From Argentina
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Financial Times reported on the growing wave of foreign companies leaving Argentina, alarmed by the interventionist measures. "A growing number of companies are cutting back on investment in Argentina or fleeing altogether, for fear of increasingly interventionist government measures," says the first . . ...
Foreign Investors’ Flight Rises and Pressures Debt in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Since 2015, the foreign share of public debt securities dropped from 20.8 to 9 percent. The shift was intensified by Covid-19 and creates greater challenges for the Treasury, as this investor typically seeks longer-term securities. The Covid-19 pandemic further reduced the share of foreigners The post ...
La Svezia inietta altri 10 miliardi di stimoli per aiutare l’economia
Il governo prevede tagli alle tasse per incentivare la transizione verde e aumento della spesa pubblica a sostegno del welfare
Svezia Italia
Svezia, Video-promozione delle eccellenze piemontesi
Nell´ambito dell´attivitá di comunicazione di supporto al Made in Italy nel settore enogastronomico, l´Ufficio ICE di Stoccolma in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata d’Italia ha realizzato tramite un noto “social influencer” che promuove la cucina italiana in Svezia, "Il Podino", un video...
Brasile USA
Referendum 2020: concluso il rientro delle schede votate dagli italiani all'estero
Con l’arrivo di un volo speciale dell’Aeronautica militare dal Sud America si sono concluse le operazioni di rientro delle schede votate dagli elettori italiani all’estero per il referendum costituzionale.Nei giorni scorsi, le schede elettorali sono state inviate per posta a circa 4,6 milioni di...
DealBook: How Ginsburg’s Successor Could Remake Business
Leading candidates to fill her seat on the Supreme Court are likely to rule in favor of conservative causes that could affect Corporate America.