Aerolínea Latam anuncia un aumento gradual de operaciones
La compañía, la mayor de América Latina en su rubro y nacida en 2012 de la fusión entre la chilena Lan y la brasileña Tam, advirtió que las operaciones estarán sujetas a las condiciones de mercado de acuerdo a la evolución de la pandemia.
Analysis: Why the Dollar, Depreciating Worldwide, Remains Bullish in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Unlike what has been happening in relation to currencies in other emerging countries, in Brazil the dollar has been appreciating since the peak of the impact of the novel coronavirus in the market. Since March 23rd, when the stock market dropped sharply, the commercial dollar ...
Can Brazil’s Nubank Match Banco Itaú? UBS Believes Not (Yet)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Nubank, the largest fintech in the country, is beginning to have the size of a large bank. The Brazilian fintech has reached a 26-million-client base, an increase of 6.3 million in the first half of the year. Its clients are also spending more: there was ...
Brasile USA
City Council Passes Law Banning Dogs Barking, But Mayor Vetoes Measure
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A bill unanimously passed in the Penha City Council, in Santa Catarina State, establishes a R$23,000 (US$4,600) fine for the owners of noisy animals. The law considers an infraction "to induce or fail to prevent animal noise". In practice, it can be said that The post ...
Dakar doit davantage s'orienter vers les BRICS (universitaire)
Dakar, 28 août (APS) - Le Sénégal, compte tenu des effets du coronavirus, se trouve plus que par le passé dans l'obligation de diversifier sa coopération en vue notamment de profiter des opportunités d'investissement et de coopération commerciale et technologique offertes par les (BRICS), par exemple, estime l'universitaire sénégalais Souleymane ...
Turkey to become battery production hub: Minister
Turkey aims to become a hub for battery production with its investments in battery modules, packages and cells, a senior official said on Aug. 28.
Japanese PM Abe resigns over worsening health
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan's longest-serving premier, said on Aug. 28 he was resigning because of poor health, ending a stint at the helm of the world's third-biggest economy during which he sought to revive growth and bolster its defences.
Denis Ducarme et le SNI sur la même longueur d’ondes : “Le tout aux virologues, c’est terminé, il faut pouvoir faire son shopping à plus de deux et élargir la bulle de 5”
La présidente du SNI rencontrait le ministre des Indépendants, Denis Ducarme, pour réclamer un assouplissement des mesures pour les indépendants. Entretien croisé.
Portogallo Irlanda
Cartas de rescisão dos tripulantes da Ryanair estão a ser devolvidas em Portugal
As cartas que os tripulantes da Ryanair enviaram para rescindir por justa causa com a Crewlink Portugal foram devolvidas, ao contrário do que sucedeu na Irlanda, tendo a Lusa constatado que o edifício português aparenta estar desocupado.
PSI-20 inverte tendência e negoceia em baixa. Mota-Engil cai mais de 8,5%
Em Portugal, das 18 empresas cotadas apenas quatro negoceiam em alta e uma negoceia sem variação. Os investidores reagem aos dados da economia norte-americana e ao facto de a Fed ter alterado a sua política monetária, passando a admitir que a inflação fique acima dos 2%, por breves períodos.