Este concurso procura as empresas que vão levar o interior de Portugal até um futuro de sucesso
O terceiro concurso do programa Promove - lançado pela Fundação La Caixa - já começou. E ainda que o mote continue a ser o mesmo dos anos anteriores, esta 3ª edição traz consigo algumas novidades.
Mário Centeno assume “compromisso de serviço público” na tomada de posse como governador do Banco de Portugal
Na cerimónia de tomada de posse, o ex-ministro das Finanças Mário Centeno disse que assume com "orgulho, responsabilidade e sentido de compromisso" as novas funções e destacou a importância do BdP na regulação bancária.
Singapore's '4G' balancing act
As expected, the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) won the Singapore general election, which was held on July 10 amid Covid-19 restrictions and the worst economic crisis in decades. Singapore's GDP plunged by 42.1% in the three months to the end of June, the biggest quarterly drop on record.
Halal travel closer at home
Indonesia is gradually getting back to business with further relaxation of restrictions imposed to curb the coronavirus, but tour operators, notably those that organise Hajj trips and minor pilgrimages (umrah) to Saudi Arabia, remain closed.
Brasile Portogallo
Pandemia mudará conceitos de trabalho e moradia, dizem especialistas
A pandemia de covid-19 mudará em definitivo a vida nas cidades. A doença acelerou processos que já vinham se desenhando há anos, como o uso intensivo da internet nos negócios, o teletrabalho e o encolhimento dos escritórios. E nem mesmo a descoberta de uma vacina fará a sociedade voltar ao que era ...
Nuova Zelanda
Don't let private sector gets its hands on library building
OPINION: Wellington is watching one public private partnership go horribly wrong, in the form of Transmission Gully. Don't risk the same fate with the Central Library.
Nuova Zelanda
Euthanasia referendum: What is assisted dying? The End of Life vote explained
What are you voting for and how will assisted dying work if the law is passed in New Zealand?
Dow Tackles Plastic Waste in Nigeria Through Local Partnerships
Dow (NYSE: DOW) has today announced Project ReflexNG, a pilot project aiming to collect and recycle plastic waste in Lagos, Nigeria. This project is aligned to Dow’s global STOP THE WASTE sustainability target which will enable the collection, reuse or recycling of one million metric tons of plastic globally by ...
Colombia USA
In Colombia, it took courage to make peace. I worry Israel is choosing conflict, instead
When I was President, Hugo Chávez called Colombia 'the Israel of Latin America.' I took it as a compliment. But Israel’s founding vision is under attack from a hyper-nationalist government openly scorning human rights and international law
Gonçalo Castelo Branco. "Portugal é um caso de sucesso na mobilidade elétrica"
As vendas de veículos elétricos cresceram 3% em maio, em contraciclo com o setor, e já consomem 70% de energia verde, diz o diretor de smart mobility da EDP Comercial.