Patto Export: Di Stefano, salto in avanti di metodo e innovazione
Nel corso della cerimonia della firma del “Patto per l’export”, avvenuta quest’oggi in Farnesina, il Sottosegretario agli Affari Esteri con delega all’Internazionalizzazione delle Imprese, on. Manlio Di Stefano, ha ripercorso il grande lavoro svolto negli ultimi tre mesi per porre le fondamenta...
Swissport Belgique dépose le bilan: près de 1.500 emplois menacés
Swissport en Belgique va déposer le bilan et se déclarer en faillite auprès du tribunal de commerce néerlandophone de Bruxelles pour son entité Swissport Belgium SA, prestataire de services au sol à l'aéroport de Bruxelles, et pour sa filiale Swissport Belgium Cleaning SA, a annoncé lundi l'entreprise. Près de 1.500 ...
Nuova Zelanda
How a New Zealand trust was used to allegedly fleece Belgian man of multimillion inheritance
He was told to set up a New Zealand trust, despite having no business here.
IDEMIA and BBVA partner to launch Spain’s first payment card made of recycled PVC
Presidente da Caixa: auxílio é maior pagamento da história do país
Trabalhadores vulneráveis, como autônomos, informais e microempreendedores, se viram em alerta diante da paralisia comercial para o combate à propagação da covid-19. A suspensão forçada das atividades comerciais para conter a pandemia fez o dinheiro parar de entrar na conta desses trabalhadores que agora estão no vermelho e com o ...
Brasile Venezuela
Controversial Opposition in Venezuela: Whereabouts of Juan Guaidó Unknown
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The European Union has reiterated its support for the Venezuelan opposition politician Juan Guaidó after the South American country's Supreme Court ruled that the election of deputy Luis Parra as President of the National Assembly was lawful. However, Guaidó's whereabouts are currently unknown. Venezuela's Foreign ...
China’s exports drop off as global slowdown hits economy
Trade figures also suggest Beijing is using price dip to buy up strategic resources
Verkoop mondmaskers beperkt Chinees exportverlies
14:36 De export van China is in mei gedaald omdat door de coronacrisis en de lockdownmaatregelen de wereldwijde vraag naar Chinese goederen onder druk stond. De vraag naar mondmaskers beperkte evenwel de sc...
Nuova Zelanda
Wellington business confidence in the doldrums, new survey findings show
'We've saved lives, now we must save livelihoods,' is the message from capital's business leader in the wake of Covid-19.
Elite squad deployed to combat drug trade ring
High level operation moves to Isiolo to crackdown on dealers operating between border town of Moyale and Nairobi.