Japan’s regional economies face ‘extremely severe situation,’ Finance Ministry warns
The sharp drop in both consumer activity at home and demand for Japanese products overseas is being felt in all corners of the nation.
Most Japan small firms say they can survive only if pandemic ends soon
Requests to suspend business operations, and travel restrictions, have taken a heavy toll on a broad range of businesses, including the restaurant and tourism sectors, ...
Diourbel : le service du commerce rassure sur la disponibilité des denrées alimentaires
Diourbel, 26 avr (APS) - Les marchés de la région de Diourbel (centre) sont bien approvisionnés en marchandises, de denrées alimentaires notamment, pour les besoins du ramadan, a assuré le chef du service régional du commerce, Amadou Touba Niane. - SANTE
FC Porto SAD vai pedir adiamento do pagamento de obrigações por um ano
A emissão em causa, que vence já em 09 de junho próximo, é de 35 milhões e tinha como pressuposto agora uma nova emissão, para seu pagamento, o que a FCP SAD admite não ser fácil, atendendo aos reflexos da pandemia de covid-19 no mercado.
THAI loan queries rebuffed by ministry
The Finance Ministry has dismissed financially ailing Thai Airways International's hopes for a loan guarantee, saying the assistance would breach loan guarantee requirements for state enterprises because THAI has recorded net losses for three years in a row.
Germania Italia
Dichiarazione congiunta dell'Alto Rappresentante UE e dei Ministri degli Esteri di Francia, Germania e Italia (fonte: SEAE)
Fonte SEAE Testo (EN) Libya: Joint statement by High Representative Josep Borrell and Foreign Ministers Jean-Yves Le Drian of France, Heiko Maas of Germany and Luigi Di Maio of Italy Brussels, 25/04/2020 - 11:45, UNIQUE ID: 200425_2 Joint Statements As participants to the Berlin process and in a...
Medlemmarna nobbade även Elisefarm – jakten på ny ägare till Romeleåsens GK går vidare
Ännu en affär sprack. Klubbens styrelse har hoppat av.
Coronavirus latest: Each US bank capped at 10% of small business loan scheme
Qatar sovereign wealth fund seeks health and tech deals
Finance minister says QIA aims to identify opportunities as asset prices plunge
Pandemic accelerates shift to meat substitutes
Plant-based alternative sales jump 200 per cent in US amid slaughterhouse closures