Gestores consideram que o 5G é a oportunidade da década
A quinta geração da rede móvel em Portugal é uma questão de meses. O setor das telecomunicações assume com a nova vaga tecnológica um papel ainda mais preponderante na economia nacional, uma vez que o 5G será tranversal a todos os setores.
Quando as lendas ganham vida ? à moda do Porto
Perdidas nos barcos de Pedro Cem (ou será Pedro Sem?), ouvindo a voz da Última Freira e protegendo o coração de dragão de D. Pedro IV, há muitas lendas perdidas pelas catacumbas da cidade do Porto. Mas agora há uma forma de as encontrar.
Cina USA
Coronavirus May Delay Hard-Fought U.S. Trade Wins in China
The spread of the virus is likely to slow China’s progress in meeting the commitments it agreed to last month as part of the initial trade deal with the United States.
OPEC Scrambles to React to Falling Oil Demand From China
As the coronavirus hits China’s economy, threatening fuel demand, policymakers are weighing an emergency meeting to discuss cuts to crude output.
Brasile Cina USA Giappone Taiwan Hong Kong
Brazilian Government Says It Will Repatriate All Brazilians Wanting to Leave Wuhan
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs stated in a note on Sunday, February 2nd, that the government will bring back all Brazilians wanting to return from Wuhan - the city most affected by the coronavirus epidemic in China. The decision was announced after the ...
Brasile Cina
China’s Oil Demand Drops 20 Percent Because of Coronavirus
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - China's demand for oil has dropped by about three million barrels per day, or 20 percent of total consumption, due to the impact of the coronavirus on the economy, according to people with information about the country's energy sector. The drop is arguably the largest ...
Brasile Argentina Iran
Brazil Could Lose Iran Agricultural Export to Argentina
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The invasion of Argentinians in areas of Brazil, foreseen by President Jair Bolsonaro, should Alberto Fernández be elected - which occurred - could start with agribusiness. Not physically, but rather commercially. The Argentinians have prepared for greater tension between Brazil and Iran. The friction with ...
Coronavirus, paura per la crescita: affondano le borse cinesi. «A rischio lo 0,3% del pil mondiale»
Paura crescita: travolta dall'emergenza coronavirus la Cina valuta una riduzione delle stime di crescita per il 2020. Lo fa mentre la crisi gela le borse di Shanghai e Shenzhen che, alla...
USA Italia
Tonica Milano e le altre Borse europee
(Teleborsa) - Finale in rialzo per le principali borse europee a dispetto delle preoccupazioni per il coronavirus. Sul mercato valutario, sessione debole per l'Euro / Dollaro USA, che scambia con un...
Regno Unito
La Ue a Londra: regole comuni per avere zero dazi. Johnson: nessun allineamento
La Ue offre a Londra un accordo ambizioso di partenariato, purché ci sia allineamento su regole e standard. Johnson ribatte: non servono, prosperemo comunque