Brasile USA Iran
Brazilian Corn Exporters Concerned about Collateral Effect of US-Iran Crisis
SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – Grain producers in Brazil, especially corn farmers, are very concerned about the recent US-Iranian clash in the Middle East. The escalation of the conflict, they say may hinder the South American country’s exports to Iran, one of largest importers of Brazilian corn. “For now, there has ...
USA Iran
L’Iran risponde con la legge del taglione all’attacco degli Stati Uniti
Nessuno dubitava che l’Iran avrebbe risposto in qualche modo all’omicidio del suo militare più famoso, che ha spinto milioni di persone a scendere in piazza. Leggi
Legge elettorale, da Calenda a Toti: ecco i partiti che rischiano con la sbarramento al 5%
Sono molti i partiti che rimarrebbero fuori dal Parlamento in caso di soglia come in Germania
Iran Italia
Boccia (Confindustria): imprese preoccupate per le tensioni in Iran
(Teleborsa) - Le imprese italiane sono "preoccupate" per le tensioni in Iran perché questa situazione "determina incertezza e ansia nel mondo dell'economia e non solo in Italia ovviamente". A...
USA Iran Kenya
Kenya plans Iran tea mission as US row rages
Kenya will next month send its third tea trade mission as it seeks to retain the Tehran market
USA Australia Regno Unito
Africa: London, New York Mayors Urge Cities to Divest From Fossil Fuels
[Thomson Reuters Foundation] London -New guide shows how cities from Berlin to Melbourne are pulling their investments out of fossil fuel companies
Nigeria: Analysts Seek Speedy Reforms in Oil Sector to Boost Investments
[This Day] Analysts have called for speedy reforms in the oil and gas sector to boost investments in 2020, stressing that the apparent reluctance of the federal government to implement reforms such as the downstream sub-sector deregulation threatens the economy and may hamper investments.
Vers la modification de la loi sur les partenariats public-privé
Dakar, 7 janv (APS) - Le ministre de l'Economie, du Plan et de la Coopération, Amadou Hott, a annoncé mardi, à Dakar, la modification de la loi sur les partenariats public-privé, exprimant l'espoir qu'elle soit validée par le Conseil des ministres afin d'être présentée à l'Assemblée nationale en début février. ...
Istanbul to host 64 cruise ships this year
A total of 64 cruise ships will visit Istanbul this year, representatives of tour operators have said, expecting a lucrative business both for local shops and themselves.
Turchia Iran
Turkish FM to visit Iraq to ease tensions after Iran strikes
Turkey's foreign minister will visit Iraq on Jan. 9 to try to ease tensions after Iran launched missiles at U.S.-led forces in response to the killing of a top Iranian commander, the foreign ministry said on Jan. 8.