Regno Unito
More UK investments boon to Kenyans
The UK has a lot to offer ambitious African firms and a strong reputation for quality, integrity and reliability.
Ente del Congresso: «Trump ha violato la legge bloccando gli aiuti all’Ucraina»
Dopo la lettura degli atti d'accusa e i giuramenti, il procedimento entrera' nel vivo la prossima settimana. Tra nuove rivelazioni del faccendiere russo Parnas contro Trump e Giuliani e una determinazione di violazione della legge da parte dell'ufficio di supervisione del Congresso
Cina USA
A Trade Deal Meant to Heal Rifts Could Actually Make Them Worse
The new deal between the United States and China leaves untouched the thorniest issues driving the two economic giants apart. Solving them could take years.
Brazilians Arrested in Machu Picchu for Heritage Damage
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Six foreign tourists, including two Brazilians, were arrested by Peruvian authorities last Sunday, January 12th, for damage to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu in Peru. They were in restricted areas and damaged the famous Temple of the Sun, built with granite blocks some six ...
Brazilian Judiciary Takes Stand Against So-called “Judge of Guarantees”
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The year 2020 began with the Brazilian Judiciary taking a stand against the Judge of guarantees, a new judicial institution, similar to an examining magistrate, recently incorporated into Brazil's criminal procedure law, whose aim is to ensure that all criminal investigations conducted before trial comply ...
Central Bank Discloses Financial Institutions Receiving Most Complaints in Q4
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Central Bank released on Wednesday, January 15th, the list of complaint leaders among financial institutions and banks. The results refer to the fourth quarter of 2019. Banco Pan leads the list among financial institutions with more than four million clients, according to the Central ...
Brasile USA Argentina
Argentine Government Downplays Priority Decision in Favour of Brazil in OECD
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Argentina downplayed US President Donald Trump's decision to favor Brazil in supporting the country's accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). According to La Nación, Argentina's Foreign Ministry described the US initiative as a "logical decision" given the closeness of Brazil's President ...
Caixa e Banco do Brasil começam a pagar hoje abono do PIS/Pasep
O pagamento do abono salarial do Programa de Integração Social (PIS) do calendário 2019/2020, para os trabalhadores nascidos no mês janeiro e fevereiro, começou nesta quinta-feira (16). De acordo com a Caixa, os valores variam de R$ 87 a R$ 1.039, conforme a quantidade de dias trabalhados durante o ano ...
USA Belgio Italia
Dazi Usa, l'Italia rischia di perdere 3 miliardi di export: vino, olio e pasta nel mirino
Lascia stasera Washington per tornare a Bruxelles Phil Hogan, al termine della sua prima missione da commissario europeo al Commercio (prima era all'Agricoltura). Per tre giorni ha tenuto testa...
Cina USA
China views trade deal as welcome respite in US battle
‘Phase one’ agreement does not achieve many of Donald Trump’s goals