Driven by Privatizations, Foreign Investment in Brazil Grew 26 Percent in 2019
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Brazil grew 26 percent in 2019, according to data from the Global Investment Trends Monitor, released on Monday, January 20th, by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). FDI measures the capital invested by international investors in a ...
Olivia, App that Helps Users Save, Is Officially Released in Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Last Wednesday, January 15th, Olivia Startup was officially released in Brazil. Developed by two Brazilians in Silicon Valley, the fintech is a financial assistant that uses artificial intelligence to learn about users' consumption habits and help with their financial organization. The App comes to Brazil ...
Boycotted by Radio Stations, Pabllo Vittar Now Also Censored on YouTube
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After being boycotted by several radio stations throughout Brazil that decided not to play Pabllo Vittar's songs - some even with homophobic arguments - now the drag queen is also being censored on YouTube. The video platform blocked the video clip of 'Parabéns', a partnership ...
L’Italia esprime forte preoccupazione per le azioni che hanno portato alla sospensione delle attività estrattive e dei terminal petroliferi in Libia. Si tratta di uno sviluppo che sta già avendo serie conseguenze per l’economia e il popolo libici. Nel momento in cui proseguono gli sforzi internazionali...
Nuova Zelanda
Retired Wellington trolley buses could become tiny homes and pie carts
The electric trolley buses were taken off the roads in 2017 and plans to retrofit them with new technology failed. Now, they're back - on Trade Me.
USA Regno Unito
'Let us in!' African women entrepreneurs implore investors at UK business event
Inside United Kingdom-Kenya Sh171 billion deals
Kenya and the United Kingdom partnership has been renewed with deals worth over Sh171 billion.
AppsFlyer raises $210m at $1.4b valuation
The Israeli SaaS mobile marketing analytics company has development offices in Haifa and Herzliya.
Ogni anno tra 30 e 40mila tonnellate di pneumatici immesse illegalmente nel mercato italiano
I dati dell’Osservatorio sui flussi illegali di pneumatici e pneumatici fuori uso in Italia. Campania, Lombardia e Puglia prime regioni per numero di segnalazioni
USA Regno Unito Italia
Web Tax, Mnuchin avverte Italia e GB: rischiano dazi
(Teleborsa) - Il segretario al Tesoro USA Steven Mnuchin lancia un avvertimento a Gran Bretagna e Italia sulla digital tax. In un'intervista al Wall Street Journal Mnuchin ha affermato che i due...