Nuova Zelanda
New Zealand's biggest co-working business with a master franchise is up for sale
International Workplace Group, (IWG), is selling its co-working business with master franchise rights.
Trade opportunities on kidney disease untapped in Kenya
Nyandarua has a seven-bed renal unit at J.M Kariuki memorial hospital in Ol Kalou. Mungai said this is gross shortage.
New Quebec law stresses migrants' skills, thousands must reapply
The law is similar to a proposed plan from US President Donald Trump.
Huawei Smartphone Sales Hit Amid US Curbs
LEADERSHIP : Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei has said international sales of the Chinese telecoms giant’s handsets have sunk 40% in the past month as a US-led backlash against the firm intensifies. Speaking at the firm’s headquarters, Mr Ren also said the company would slash production by $30bn (£23.9bn). Last month, ...
Oil Prices Slip As Economic Worries Outweigh Tanker Tensions
LEADERSHIP : Oil prices slipped on Monday as signs of an economic slowdown amid international trade disputes began to outweigh supply fears that were stoked by attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman last week and sent prices higher. Brent futures fell 25 cents, or 0.4 per cent, ...
No ministers or officials in Israel's Bahrain delegation
Israel is sending a business delegation to the US-sponsored peace workshop, while the Palestinians are staying home.
Cina Hong Kong
Hong Kong, è sciopero generale. La Cina conferma l’appoggio al governo
Ancora venti di protesta du Hong Kong. Dopo lo sgombero delle strade del centro da parte della polizia, i manifestanti che chiedono il ritiro della legge sull’estradizione in Cina e le dimissioni della governatrice si stanno radunando nuovamente vicino alle ...
Receita paga hoje as restituições do 1º lote do Imposto de Renda
A Receita Federal começa a pagar hoje (17) as restituições do Imposto de Renda Pessoa Física 2019. Serão depositados R$ 5,1 bilhões nas contas de 2.573.186 contribuintes. Neste lote, receberão a restituição os 245.552 contribuintes idosos acima de 80 anos, 2.174.038 contribuintes entre 60 e 79 anos e 153.596 contribuintes ...
Brasile Uruguay
Mulheres aumentam escolaridade em relação aos homens, mostra pesquisa
O ano de 1991 foi um marco para o perfil da mulher no mercado de trabalho porque, pela primeira vez, o nível de escolaridade feminina superou o dos homens. Segundo a professora Hildete Pereira de Melo, uma das coordenadoras do Núcleo de Pesquisa em Gênero e Economia (NPGE) da Faculdade ...
Oman USA Germania
EU-Außenminister diskutieren in Luxemburg über den Umgang mit Angriffen im Golf
Muss die EU auf die Angriffe gegen die Tanker im Golf von Oman reagieren – und wenn ja wie? Deutschland und die anderen Mitgliedstaaten stehen vor schwierigen Entscheidungen. Die USA versuchen, ihre Partner von der eigenen Sicht zu überzeugen. Die Außenminister der EU-Staaten beraten am Montag in Luxemburg über die ...