Fåglar skjutna med pilar i Höganäs
Polisen i Ängelholm har fått in ett antal larm om fåglar som skjutits med pil och dödats.
Nicaragua: National Strike Set for Thursday, May 23
A large group of business associations, civil society organizations, mothers of victims of repression, and student movements, among others, formalized[...]
CorteIDH demanda "medidas alternativas" para 17 presos políticos
La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CorteIDH) pidió este martes a Nicaragua que estudie "medidas alternativas a la privación de libertad" para[...]
La comida a domicilio aportó 2.400 millones a la economía española en 2018
Cina USA
KBank scrutinising loans connected with China
Kasikornbank (KBank) has tightened loan approvals for China-related businesses amid heightening US-China trade tensions, which are pressuring the bank's trade finance segment.
Cina USA
April sees more export gloom
Exports fell for a second straight month in April, weighed by the global economic slowdown, deepening trade tensions between the US and China, political uncertainty in the EU and downside risk in the Chinese financial markets.
Mnuchin Presses Companies for Trade War Contingency Plans
The Treasury secretary spoke to the chief financial officer of Walmart about steering its supply chain away from China.
Francia Belgio
Elections 2019 : les gilets jaunes seront dimanche à Bruxelles pour dénoncer la "dictature européenne"
Des gilets jaunes de Belgique et de France appellent au rassemblement dimanche à Bruxelles pour dénoncer la "dictature européenne". Ils attendent au moins 2.000 participants à partir de 13h00 à la gare de Bruxelles-Nord. Sur la page de la ...
Tria: ottimismo per crescita, più forte di quanto atteso
(Teleborsa) - "La crescita è meno forte di quanto auspicato ma più forte di quanto atteso". Lo ha affermato il ministro dell'Economia, Giovanni Tria, a margine della ministeriale OCSE a Parigi,...
Cina USA
Usa-Cina, trattative commercio ancora in stand-by
(Teleborsa) - Nonostante l'acuirsi delle tensioni legate alla faida commerciale tra Pechino e Washington, non sembra essere previsto a breve un incontro delle due delegazioni per sciogliere i nodi...