Dakar abrite le premier Sommet africain sur les MGF et le mariage d'enfants en juin
Dakar, 28 mai 2019 – Le premier Sommet africain sur les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) et le mariage d'enfants (ME) se tiendra les 16, 17 et 18 juin 2019 à Dakar au King Fahd Palace. Dakar, 28 mai 2019 – Le premier Sommet africain sur les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF) ...
El plan del liberalismo para sanear la economía argentina
La expansión de la identidad digital podría incrementar un 3% el pib de las economías desarrolladas en 2030
El Banco Central de Venezuela admite una inflación del 130.000% y una caída del PIB del 50% en cinco años
La actividad de la economía de Venezuela ha caído un 53,4% en los últimos cinco años, según reflejan los primeros datos macroeconómicos publicados por el Banco Central de Venezuela tras años de silencio, mientras que la hiperinflación que asola el país caribeño alcanzó el 130.060% en 2018. El Fondo Monetario ...
Cina USA
Commerce Ministry working on trade row buffers
The Commerce Ministry is set to propose short, medium and long-term measures to cope with the impact of the deepening trade row between the US and China at the International Economic Policy Committee meeting chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on June 11.
Thai Airways launches frozen food for consumers
Thai Airways International (THAI) plans to expand its ground-based catering business with the launch of frozen food products under the Royal Orchid Gourmet brand, adding new ready-made sauces, basil stir fries and pad Thai via the Eurng Luang brand to the market.
Cina USA
China steps up threat to deprive U.S. of rare earths amid Huawei row
Chinese state media dangled Wednesday the threat of cutting exports of rare earths to the United States as a counterstrike in the trade war, potentially ...
Debito pubblico, la lettera Ue all'Italia. «I progressi sono insufficienti». E lo spread risale
Nella lettera inviata al ministro dell'Economia, Giovanni Tria, il vicepresidente della Commissione Valdis Dombrovskis e il commissario agli Affari economici, Pierre Moscovici, spiegano che la...
Cina USA
Dazi, Cina passa al contrattacco: "Pronti a usare arma delle terre rare"
(Teleborsa) - Nonostante i tentativi di Washington volti a mitigare la tensione e alla ricerca di un dialogo con Pechino dalle pagine del Quotidiano del Popolo, il massimo giornale cinese, arriva un...
Houston economy saw 3rd largest major metro job growth in nation: BLS
The Houston, The Woodlands and Sugar Land area saw robust year-over-year job growth of 2.8 percent in April. The region now employs 3.1 million people.