Start up, burn out: Services support Japan entrepreneurs’ mental health in ultracompetitive culture
Rising entrepreneurs are often treated like heroes, with the media lionizing the way their startups lure sizable investments and how their innovative products might change ...
Rakuten, Booking.com and Expedia raided by Japan’s antitrust watchdog over lodging price policy
Japan’s antitrust watchdog on Wednesday raided the offices of Rakuten Inc. and two other online booking operators, alleging they hurt fair trade by requiring accommodation ...
Tokyo stocks fall amid fears of EU-U.S. trade war
Stocks lost ground on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Wednesday, battered by overnight falls in U.S. and European equities due to growing worries about an escalation ...
Venda de passes de transportes com novo tarifário aumenta 10% em Coimbra
O acréscimo da venda de passes em abril é o primeiro aumento registado nos últimos 12 anos, destacou o vereador socialista Jorge Alves.
Madeira dá a conhecer estratégia de promoção de mobilidade elétrica na Europa
Este encontro decorre no âmbito do projeto europeu "Civitas Destination e envolve, para além da RAM, a ilha italiana de Elba, Malta, Chipre, Creta e Gran Canária, tendo como denominador comum o facto de terem todas uma vocação turística ligada à natureza.
Mostecké divadlo vtáhne diváky do éry plné vizí a ideálů
Mostecké divadlo uvede hudební komedii 60's aneb Šedesátky režiséra Petra Svojtky. Retro výpravu do éry plné vizí a ideálů doprovází světové a české hity. Hra připomíná podle autorů dobu, kdy se dostávala ke slovu první poválečná generace, nastávala doba hravosti i rozkvětu kultury.
Portugal: a European path out of austerity?
The economy has rebounded since the centre-left government reversed post-crisis budget cuts
Italian firm in dams scandal battles bankruptcy
Italy's public debt is significantly bigger than its economy.
Brasile USA
Goldman Sachs’ Latin American Research Director Calls for Brazilian Fiscal Reforms
By Jack Arnhold, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Alberto Ramos, head of the Latin America Economic Research team in the Global Investment Research Division of Goldman Sachs, has called for an “ambitious reform agenda” in order to unlock sustainable growth for the Brazilian economy and to undo the ...
Il Def in pillole: dal Pil fermo, al nodo debito
Un'Italia in sostanziale stagnazione economica, con una crescita di pochi decimali superiore allo zero nonostante la spinta attesa da misure come il 'Decreto crescità e lo...