Argentina Lussemburgo
Tenaris compra la statunitense Ipsco Tubulars per 1,2 miliardi
Tenaris si rafforza sul mercato statunitense con l'acquisizione di Ipsco. L'azienda italo-argentina con base in Lussemburgo controllata dalla famiglia Rocca, specializzata nella...
Nike torna in utile ma le previsioni di vendita deludono, titolo giù a Wall street
Nike affonda a Wall Street. A pesare è unandamento delle vendite in Nord America inferiore alle attese, nonostante un trimestre positivo con risultati in crescita. La società...
Americký plyn bude najväčšou konkurenciou, priznáva ruský Gazprom
Export skvapalneného zemného plynu (LNG) z USA do Európy bude pre ruský plynárenský koncern Gazprom v tomto roku najväčšou konkurenciou.
Turchia USA Iran
Anerkennung - Golan-Höhen: Trumps Axt im Rücken der Araber
Die Anerkennung von Israels Souveränität über den Golan durch die USA lässt deren arabische Partner schwach aussehen. Davon profitieren Ankara und Teheran
Global box office had record 2018, earning $96.8 bn
The film industry has never been more successful than it was in 2018, when it earned $96.8 billion including over $40 billion in cinema ticket sales, according to figures published March 21 by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).
La polémica por los impuestos de Facebook llega a la Argentina
Leading the chase for the Chinese Dream
Last year, China's economy, the second largest in the world, expanded 6.6 percent to exceed 90 trillion yuan under the leadership of Xi Jinping.
Cina Hong Kong
Potential $3bn SCB insurance deal revived
FWD Group, backed by Hong Kong billionaire Richard Li, has revived talks about a potential acquisition of the life insurance operation Siam Commercial Bank after a two-year hiatus.
Bolsa do Brasil atinge máximo pela primeira vez
O Ibovespa, principal índice da bolsa de valores de São Paulo (Brasil), bateu 100 mil pontos pela primeira vez na história na tarde de segunda-feira. Na terça, chegou a superar essa pontuação, reflectindo um aparente entusiasmo de operadores do mercado financeiro em relação ao futuro das empresas brasileiras.
BNP Paribas striving to promote sustainable finance in S. Korea
BNP Paribas SA, France‘s biggest bank, will strive hard to promote its sustainable finance in South Korea as it seeks to