Corrupt Brazilian Executive Marcelo Odebrecht Wants His Family Company Back
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - It was a dramatic crash for the boss and owner of what was once the largest Latin American conglomerate. Marcelo Odebrecht, the Brazilian billionaire, was the fourth generation to run the family business Construtora Norberto Odebrecht. But in 2015 he became the focus of a ...
Brazil’s Chamber Approves Law to Enable Divorce by Domestic Violence Victims
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to the text, the judge in charge of a domestic violence lawsuit may also decree the divorce or dissolution of a stable union upon the victim's request. The law is now subjectt to presidential approval. The lower house approved on Thursday the Senate's amendments to ...
Libéralisation des échanges intra-africains : une hausse des exportations projetée (étude)
Dakar, 3 oct (APS) – La libéralisation des échanges intra-africains devrait se traduire par une augmentation des exportations des produits industriels de toutes les régions africaines, selon une étude de l'Institut africain de développement économique et de planification (IDEP), laquelle montre également que le commerce intra régional africain, dont l'essor ...
Les députés adoptent le texte portant examen de la loi modifiant le règlement intérieur de l'Assemblée
Dakar, 3 oct (APS) - Les députés sénégalais ont adopté à l'unanimité ce jeudi après-midi la proposition de loi portant examen en procédure d'urgence de la loi organique 2002-20 du 15 mai 2002 modifiant et portant règlement intérieur de l'Assemblée nationale, a constaté l'APS. Dakar, 3 oct (APS) - Les ...
ANP divulga lista com 13 empresas habilitadas a leilão de petróleo
Treze empresas foram habilitadas para participar do leilão de petróleo que ocorrerá na 6ª Rodada de Partilha de Produção, prevista para 7 de novembro. Serão ofertados os blocos de Aram, Bumerangue, Cruzeiro do Sul, Sudoeste de Sagitário e Norte de Brava, distribuídos nas bacias de Santos e de Campos. A lista ...
Brasile USA Portogallo
Governo levantou R$ 96,2 bi com desestatizações até setembro
Até setembro, o governo federal levantou R$ 96,2 bilhões (US$ 23,5 bilhões) com desestatizações nas mais diversas modalidades. O valor foi divulgado hoje (3) pelo secretário especial de Desestatização, Desinvestimento e Mercados do Ministério da Economia, Salim Mattar. O valor indica que as operações foram concluídas. O dinheiro ainda está entrando ...
Pragmatism required to make Kenya middle-income economy
What we need is a government of doers.
Thailandia Myanmar
New bridge boosts Thai-Myanmar ties
TAK: Bilateral border trade between Thailand and Myanmar is expected to flourish after the second Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge becomes fully operational, starting from Oct 30.
Regno Unito
EU warns Brexit Britain on pushing trade deals while still in the bloc
The European Union has warned London not to overdo its campaign to independently negotiate trade deals around the world while still being a member of ...
Cina USA
U.S. slaps China with additional duties on $4.4 billion in cabinets
The U.S. trade conflict with China may not have spared the kitchen sink, or even kitchen cabinets, as Washington on Thursday announced another round of ...