US chip industry is waking up to new reality
Demise of Moore’s Law presages a shift in approach to key tech sector
Les "Supers", ces citoyens masqués qui s'approprient Bruxelles pour tenter de la rendre plus belle
A Bruxelles, une communauté de citoyens masqués oeuvre au grand jour pour parsemer l'espace public de messages positifs, de fleurs et de jeux de rue. Au bord de l'illégalité, ces Quick et Flupke déguisés en super-héros interrogent, par l'art, notre rapport à la ville. Et à la loi.
Visite d'Alioune Sarr et des investisseurs turcs à Diamniadio, lundi
Dakar, 29 juil (APS) - Le ministre du Commerce, Alioune Sarr, se rendra lundi à Diamniadio pour une visite de terrain en compagnie d'une délégation d'investisseurs turcs, selon un communiqué parvenu à l'APS. - Agenda
USA Iran
Iran woos local investors as US sanctions loom, currency falls
Iran plans to offer price and tax incentives to private investors to take over idle state projects and help boost the economy, state media reported on July 28, as the country faces likely U.S. sanctions and the exit of many foreign companies.
Las ventas de tabaco se mantienen en el primer semestre
Giappone Regno Unito
Japan and Hitachi pin nuclear export hopes on U.K. project in Wales
A nuclear power plant project in Britain is giving Japan a glimmer of hope for spurring infrastructure exports, a key growth strategy of Prime Minister ...
Munyes hopes to strike deal this week allowing the trucking of oil
Kenya had hoped to generate the much-needed petro-dollars to be pumped into the economy while the local community had expected to reap from opportunities that the resource provided.
China seeks to set record straight on SGR, global trade as row rages
Press conference took on wide-ranging issues from SGR costs, debt, and international trade.
Custos inerentes ao Interior ainda condicionam crescimento das PME
Em entrevista ao JE, Filipe Fialho Pombeiro, fala do crescimento do tecido empresarial do distrito de Beja, dos desafios da Região e da aposta na inovação.
Certificação de produtos: 100 novos clientes no primeiro semestre
CERTIF, líder de mercado em Portugal na área da certificação de produtos, com quota superior a 90 por cento, superou neste primeiro semestre as previsões de resultados, com destaque para a angariação de 100 novos clientes.