Ethiopia Eyeing Manufacturing Development for Economic Transformation
[Ethiopian Herald] Ministry of Industry disclosed that Ethiopia is working tirelessly to speed up its industrialization move and achieve vision of becoming a middle-income economy by 2025.
Russia Etiopia
'Ethiopia to Install Additional Power Transmission Lines to Sudan and Djibouti' - Engineer Azeb Asnake, CEO Ethiopian Electric Power
[Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopia is endowed with huge renewable energy potentials and currently it has been aggressively engaged in increasing national energy generation, transmission and distribution capacity to satisfy domestic demand whilst surplus production ready to export market to supplement its foreign currency earnings and enhance regional economic integration. Apart from ...
Workneh Urges Saudi Investors to Engage in Agricultural Sector
[ENA] Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu has urged Saudi Arabian investors to engage in agricultural sector of Ethiopia.
Banco Santander y World Trade Center Montevideo firman alianza
El principal banco privado de Uruguay y el emblemático centro de negocios se unen para seguir sumando valor a sus clientes.
Uruguay XXI y OMEU realizaron taller sobre liderazgo y negociación
Liderazgo, formación de grupos y negociación con mercados externos, fueron los temas del segundo taller del ciclo 2018 para socios.
A Russia-Focused V.C. Firm Opens in the U.S.: DealBook Briefing
The European Union could be the immovable object that frustrates President Trump’s combative trade agenda. But that outcome is looking less likely.
In a Trade War, China Might Boycott U.S. Goods. That Could Backfire.
State media have hinted that Beijing could weaponize its consumers in a trade war. But American brands are popular in China — and Chinese workers make many of their products.
If the World Economy Is Looking So Great, Why Are Global Policymakers So Gloomy?
As officials gather for the I.M.F. and World Bank convene in Washington, worries about trade and debt are building
Cooperazione. Firma Memorandum tra Farnesina e IDLO
Firmato oggi alla Farnesina un Memorandum d’Intesa tra il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e l'International Development Law Organization (IDLO) con sede a Roma. L’accordo, sottoscritto dal Direttore Generale della Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo...
Portogallo Nigeria
Infraestruturas de Portugal faz greve de dois dias em maio
Os trabalhadores da Infraestruturas de Portugal vão realizar uma greve parcial no dia 10 de maio e uma total em 11 de maio, anunciou José Manuel Oliveira, dirigente da Federação dos Sindicatos dos Transportes e Comunicações (FECTRANS).