'Panama Papers' law firm shuts down operations
Its damaged credibility causes it to flounder, firm's founder says.
Regno Unito
Johnny Depp vs. Jude Law. Nový film ze světa Harryho Pottera ukáže Brumbálovy začátky s hvězdným obsazením
Známý britský herec Jude Law (film Sherlock Holmes, seriál Mladý papež) bude ve druhém díle Fantastických zvířat sekundovat Eddiemu Redmaynovi jako mladá verze legendárního čaroděje Albuse Brumbála. Film z prostředí světa Harryho Pottera s celým názvem Fantastická zvířata: Grindelwaldovy zločiny bude mít v českých kinech premiéru 15. listopadu. Podívejte se na první ...
Cina USA
China faces battle to meet US $100bn trade demand
Policymakers could resort to cosmetic changes such as shifting iPhone assembly
Nuova Zelanda
Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty house sales lift in February
February was a bumper month for Western Bay real estate with home buyers signing on the dotted line at a rate of 10 a day, according to new figures. The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand reported 231 sales in Tauranga City and...
USA Iran
Ex-Außenminister - Tillerson bürstete in Nahost gegen den Strich
Europa verliert mit Rex Tillerson einen Partner für den Iran-Atomdeal. Manche Regierung im Nahen Osten freut sich über den Abgang des US-Außenministers
Grab and Credit Saison form financial services joint venture to expand access to credit for southeast Asia’s unbanked
Grab and Chubb sign partnership to provide innovative in-app insurance solutions throughout Southeast Asia
Nuova Zelanda
Checkpoint 'targets' advised to take class action against police after IPCA ruling
A law professor is advising the Wellington women stopped at an illegal breath-testing checkpoint to take a class action against police for breaching their rights.
Nuova Zelanda
Hundreds of students rally against alleged widespread sexual harassment in law firms
Loud cries of "Me too" rung around Wellington's Midland Park on Thursday as hundreds of university students protested against alleged sexual harassment in the law profession.
Metro e STCP avisam utentes sobre pagamento de coimas com desconto
A Metro do Porto e a Sociedade de Transportes Coletivos do Porto estão a apelar a clientes com multas em atraso ao pagamento voluntário das mesmas até 30 de abril, beneficiando de um desconto até 75%.