Keep Walking - Is Coffee Tourism Possible in Ethiopia?
[Ethiopian Herald] These days, when I walk in the streets of Addis Ababa, all I see is traditional coffee shops on every porch of every business building. This is also the case in other major towns and even in the country side. Back in the days, all the foreigners that ...
Nation Branding - the Next Big Task
[Ethiopian Herald] In its quest to achieve structural transformation, Ethiopia has been extensively stimulating industrialization by providing incentives and building state-of-the-art industrial parks. Now the daunting task ahead is nation branding and promoting the brand 'Made in Ethiopia'.
High Time for National Branding
[Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopia has been exerting maximum effort to industrialize and diversify its economy by building several state-of-the-art industrial parks. Parallel to the efforts of expanding its industries is the challenging task of building image and global reputation so that its products penetrate into the international market. For this, the ...
Dakar et Ankara signent des accords dans le domaine ferroviaire et du tourisme
Dakar, 1er mars (APS) - Le Sénégal et la Turquie ont signé, jeudi, à Dakar, deux accords de coopération dans le domaine ferroviaire et du tourisme, a constaté l'APS. - Business/Affaires
Réforme des CCIA : les futures structures vont travailler ensemble (président UNCCIAS)
Paris, 1er mars (APS) - Le président de l'Union nationale des chambres de commerce, d'industries et d'agriculture du Sénégal (UNCCIAS), Serigne Mboup, a promis que la future chambre d'agriculture du Sénégal (CAS) et la chambre nationale de commerce, d'industrie et de services vont travailler ensemble (CCIR). - Agriculture
Echanges commerciaux : Dakar et Ankara fixent la barre à près de 215 milliards
Dakar, 1er mars (APS) - Le président sénégalais Macky Sall et son homologue Turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan ont émis, jeudi, à Dakar, le souhait de porter le volume des échanges commerciaux entre les pays à près de 400 millions de dollars (prés de 215 milliards de Francs CFA). - Business/Affaires
Le DG de l'ASEPEX pour une amélioration de la participation du Sénégal au SIA
De l'envoyé spécial de l'APS : Amadou Samba Gaye Paris, 1er mars (APS) - Le directeur général de l'Agence sénégalaise de promotion des exportations (ASEPEX), El Hadji Malick Diop, a appelé jeudi à encore améliorer la participation du Sénégal au Salon international de Paris (SIA). De l'envoyé spécial de l'APS : ...
U.S. amenable to trade talks with Japan and four other TPP members
U.S. President Donald Trump is willing to start market liberalization talks with Japan and four other Trans-Pacific Partnership members that don’t already have free trade ...
EU and Japan rush to activate trade deal before Brexit
The European Union and Japan are rushing to ensure their planned free trade agreement can take force early in 2019, ideally before the British exit ...
Self-driving cars will require new business models
Quality time IF YOU WANT to buy a fully self-driving car, you may have to wait for another decade. Autonomous vehicles will initially be offered for sale not to private owners but to robotaxi-fleet operators, for two reasons. First, LIDAR sensors are still so expensive that, deployed in production cars, they ...