Kenya:Kenyan Miners Say Law Not Conducive to Investment
[East African] Kenyan miners have warned that potential investors in the country's mining sector may shelve their investment plans due to provisions of the Mining Act 2016 that they say are not conducive to doing business in the country.
Africa:YES! Thanks to you, the BUILD Act is now law
[ONE] We asked you, our United States members, to support the BUILD Act (S.2463). You signed petitions, shared tweets, and canvased at U2 shows, farmers markets and festivals. In the end, you delivered 78,000 signatures to 454 senators and representatives across the country.
In search for Khashoggi’s body, Turkish police receive calls from ‘dreamers, mediums’
Istanbul police have received calls from locals who said they had dreams about knowing the location of the body of slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, with foreign “clairvoyants” also claiming to find his remains.
More affordable iPhone XR model hits store shelves in Japan
A more affordable model in the iPhone X series went on sale in Japan on Friday amid expectations that sales will exceed that of the ...
Cina USA Iran
US farmers turn to Iran to plug hole in soyabean sales
Islamic republic’s imports have surged as tariffs decimate US sales to China
US economic growth tops forecasts
World’s biggest economy expands at 3.5 per cent annual rate in third quarter
Oxfam réclame à la Belgique la suspension de toute vente ou livraison d'armes
L'ONG belge Oxfam-Solidarité appelle vendredi à ce que cessent de toute urgence les livraisons d'armes qui alimentent la crise humanitaire au Yémen alors que toutes les trois heures, un civil perd la vie dans les combats. L'organisation exhorte notamment la Belgique à cesser d'envenimer le conflit en vendant ses armes ...
Francia Belgio
La Belgique achète 442 blindés français à plus de 1,5 milliard d'euros
La ministre française des Armées, Florence Parly, s'est félicitée vendredi de l'approbation par le gouvernement belge du partenariat stratégique avec Paris pour l'achat de 442 blindés pour un montant de plus de 1,5 milliard d'euros.
Usa, pil al 3,5%, sopra le attese degli analisti
L'economia è americana continua a crescere e straccia le attese degli analisti. Nel terzo trimestre il Pil è arrivato al 3,5%: gli analisti lo davano al 3,3%. Nel secondo...
InterCement vende operações em Portugal e Cabo Verde para grupo turco
Valor do negócio, por acordo contratual, não foi revelado e somente deverá ser aberto no fechamento da operação