Raízen assume negócio de combustíveis e refino da Shell na Argentina
Companhia brasileira controlada por Cosan e Shell pagou US$ 916 milhões e passará a deter participação de mercado de 20%, como vice-líder
DealBook: Diversify the Boardroom, Just Not Like California
A new law mandating that the state’s public companies have a minimum number of women on their boards could do more harm than good.
IMF Hails Ethiopia’s Reforms, Remains Optimistic
Despite the tough macroeconomic situation in the country, the International Monetary Fund team projected that the gross domestic product (GDP) of Ethiopia would grow by 8.5pc in the 2018/19 fiscal…
Central Bank Bumps-up Board Remuneration Caps
The National Bank of Ethiopia has raised the cap on remuneration for board directors at banks, insurance companies and microfinance institutions. The new directive signed by the new governor, Yinager…
USA Etiopia
For the Horn and Beyond
Foreign Affairs Minister Worqneh Gebeyehu (PhD), foreground, met his counterparts, Djibouti’s Mahmoud Ali Youssouf (far left) and Eritrea’s Osman Saleh Mohammed (centre-left), last week at Ethiopia’s Mission in New York.…
Secretário de comércio exterior diz que relação EUA e Brasil é positiva
Cina USA
US rate rises compound trade pressure on China
Narrowing rates spread and declining current account surplus fuel capital flight fears
Regno Unito
UK foreign secretary rouses EU ire over Soviet jibe
Jeremy Hunt attacked for comparing bloc’s Brexit stance to USSR repression
Autostrada Roma-L'Aquila, stop all'aumento dei pedaggi scattato a gennaio su A24 e A25
Stop da oggi all'aumento dei pedaggi sulla Roma L'Aquila. Lo ha annunciato il ministro dei Trasporti Danilo Toninelli con un post su Twitter, sottolineando che sono...
Auto, calano le vendite a settembre in Italia
(Teleborsa) - Nel mese di settembre, sono state immatricolate in Italia quasi 125 mila vetture. Si tratta di un calo del 25,37% rispetto allo stesso mese del 2017. Il dato di settembre arriva dopo la...