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  • Egitto

    Israeli ambassador returns to Egypt after 8-month absence

    Cairo airport officials say that the Israeli diplomatic staff, which left amidst security concerns, has returned. The Israeli Foreign Ministry has refused to comment

  • Regno Unito

    Pálení v krku, slzení očí a kusy igelitu ve vzduchu. Obří požár skládky trápil obyvatele Mostu

    Ústečtí hasiči stále likvidují požár skládky Celio v Růžodolu u Mostu, který propukl v pondělí večer. Obyvatelé okolních měst během dne trápil štiplavý kouř a zápach šířící se vzduchem, nesměli mimo jiné větrat. Podle místních se ale situace již zlepšila. Opakované měření hasičů ukázalo, že do ovzduší žádné škodliviny neunikly.Další ...

  • Regno Unito

    Not a single Brexit document is satisfactory, says EU's Juncker

    European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has delivered a fresh rebuke to Theresa May over her government's handling of the Brexit process. Mr Juncker said official papers setting out the Government's positions were not satisfactory and it was "crystal clear" that an "enormous amount" of issues needed to be settled before talks ...

  • USA

    Merkel supports European Monetary Fund idea

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel backs the idea of a European Monetary Fund and said today she could imagine creating a combined European finance and economy minister, signalling a willingness to deepen eurozone integration. Merkel said she supported the "very good idea" floated by her finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, to turn the ...

  • Malta

    Watch: Autumn hunting season begins on Friday - BirdLife expresses its concerns

    Updated with government reaction at 4.50pm - Birdlife Malta has presented a letter to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat expressing its concerns about the upcoming hunting season, which opens on Friday.  CEO Mark Sultana implored the government to show it would not tolerate any illegalities. He said the Ornis Committee always met before ...

  • USA Giappone Corea del Sud

    North Korea fires missile over Japan in aggressive test

    North Korea fired a ballistic missile from its capital Pyongyang that flew over Japan before plunging into the northern Pacific Ocean, officials said Tuesday, an aggressive test-flight over the territory of a close U.S. ally that sends a clear message of defiance as Washington and Seoul conduct war games nearby.Seoul's ...

  • USA

    More rain, more dead: Harvey floods keeps Houston paralyzed

    Floodwaters reached the rooflines of single-story homes Monday and people could be heard pleading for help from inside as Harvey poured rain on the Houston area for a fourth consecutive day after a chaotic weekend of rising water and rescues.The nation's fourth-largest city remained mostly paralyzed by one of the ...

  • Regno Unito Malta Cipro

    Traffic arrangements at Ta’ Qali for Friday’s Malta-England match

    The Police Force, in collaboration with the Malta Football Association, has made special arrangements on the occasion of next Friday’s World Cup qualifier between England and Malta.Addressing a news conference yesterday, Angelo Chetcuti, MFA general secretary, said that this was a massive match to organise, but the association was convinced ...

  • USA Malta

    Christian Season of Creation to be held between 1 September, 4 October

    The 2017 Christian Season of Creation (1 September to 4 October) in Malta and Gozo will be launched by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna during a Solemn Mass at St. John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta, on Saturday 2 September, at 6pm. The Mass will follow prayers for creation which will be said in ...

  • Egitto Malta

    Stray cats cause damage to local reptile fauna, vet says

    In the late 1980s, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species act was approved in Malta. It aimed to regulate the import and export of endangered species. This helped to alleviate the pressure that was being placed on wild populations of animals by over-collection for the pet trade. However, ...

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