Un comité interministériel mis en place pour le suivi de l'interdiction du plastique
Dakar, 10 août (APS) - Le ministre de l'Environnement et du Développement durable, Abdoulaye Baldé, a procédé jeudi à l'installation officielle d'un comité interministériel pour le suivi de la loi sur l'interdiction du plastique, une instance dont les membres sont appelés à faire du Sénégal "un modèle" dans la lutte ...
Tabaski : l'UNCS invite l'Etat à mettre en place une stratégie d'homologation des prix
Dakar, 10 août (APS) - Le président de l'Union nationale des consommateurs du Sénégal (UNCS), Ibrahima Dramé a invité, jeudi, l'Etat à élaborer une stratégie d'homologation des prix à la veille de la tabaski pour s'opposer à toutes velléités de hausse indue. Dakar, 10 août (APS) - Le président de ...
Gala de lutte traditionnelle, dimanche
Dakar, 10 août (APSP) – Le Monument de la renaissance africaine, en partenariat avec Thomas production, organise, dimanche à partir de 16h sur son site à Ouakam, un gala de lutte traditionnelle, indique un communiqué reçu à l'APS. Dakar, 10 août (APSP) – Le Monument de la renaissance africaine, en ...
Modernisation des transports urbains : un investissement global de 49 milliards de francs (DG CETUD)
Mbour, 10 août (APS) - Des investissements de l'ordre de 49 milliards de francs CFA ont été réalisés pour transporter un million de voyageurs, avec la création de près de dix mille emplois, dans le cadre du programme de renouvellement et de modernisation des transports urbains, a révélé, jeudi, à ...
EU imposes import duties on some Chinese steel
The European Union has imposed provisional import duties of as much as 28.5% on certain Chinese corrosion-resistant steels after an eight-month investigation found that the products benefited from unfair subsidies. The August 9 decision by the European Commission followed a complaint by steel association Eurofer whose members include ArcelorMittal, ThyssenKrupp and ...
80% have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment at work in Malta
Four-fifths of the first respondents in an ongoing survey said they have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment at work, with the absolute majority being women. Meanwhile, around 90 per cent have had no training on how to deal with such abuse and feel there is a need for information on sexual ...
‘If Enemalta passed on gains, GDP could rise three per cent’
Malta’s GDP could increase by as much as three per cent if Enemalta were to pass on all it saves, thanks to the change from the Marsa power station and the old Delimara plant to the interconnector and the former BWSC plant at Delimara. A comprehensive study carried out by Noel ...
‘Diversity strengthens the PN not weakens it’ – PN leadership candidate Adrian Delia
PN leadership hopeful Adrian Delia believes that diversity is strength, arguing that "diversity strengthens the PN rather than weakens it."According to the press release, the message was aimed at councillors, paid party members and members of the sectional committees of the party in light of an ongoing debate regarding whether ...
Former Labour Minister Joe Brincat hits out at magistrates who are more interested in making waves
Former Labour Minister and a lawyer Joe Brincat hit out at magistrates who are more interested in "rocking towers" and "making vibrations" across Malta through their declarations.He was arguing in favour of bail for his client, Daniel Cremona, who is accused of multiple counts of theft.Brincat told presiding Judge Edwina ...
Strip clubs aid normalisation of prostitution, confederation of women's organisations says
The Malta Confederation of Women's Organisations (MCWO) has reiterated "the links between gentlemen's clubs, prostitution and trafficking" in a statement, urging that consultation should take place before drafting of a Bill."The Minister for Tourism is insisting that there is no link between strip clubs and prostitution. This clearly implies that the ...