• USA Malta

    Opinion: What type of Second Republic? - Kevin Aquilina

    Question time of April 30, 2016 was entitled ‘Constitutional Supremacy: Is there need for a Second Republic?’ This question was surely answered by Professor Ray Mangion, Lawyer and Historian.Now that the general election came and passed by, what is relevant is what government understands by a ‘Second Republic’. I am ...

  • Regno Unito Malta

    Innovation is the future of the Maltese economy - Minister Cardona

    MIMCOL, one of the main entities which fall under the Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses, was crucial in bringing to Malta - and indeed was one of the main sponsors of - the 7th Follow the Entrepreneur Investor Summit, organised by Ariande Capital. The conference is being ...

  • USA

    Gay marriage bill passes through committee stage, final vote on Wednesday

    The Parliamentary Consideration of Bills Committee yesterday passed the Marriage Equality bill through the clause-by-clause stage, sending it to the final vote in the House which will be taken on Wednesday.Both parties had promised the introduction of gay marriage, with the Opposition raising objections on the changes regarding the elimination ...

  • Panama

    TMID Editorial: Busuttil’s efforts on gay marriage - Zero appreciation from gay community

    Not one single word has been uttered by the gay community in defence of outgoing PN leader Simon Busuttil who, notwithstanding his departure from the leadership of his party, is taking the flak, internally and externally, to defend the right of same sex marriage. This says a lot about this ...

  • USA Panama Malta

    Malta’s corporate tax system is unfair – PANA Committee Chairman Werner Langen

    PANA Committee Chairman Werner Langen has argued that Malta’s corporate tax system is unfair, while addressing the PANA committee this evening.He was addressing the PANA Committee earlier today, during the discussion regarding the draft recommendations on the PANA Committee findings.A PANA Committee MEP had mentioned that the criteria regarding blacklist ...

  • USA Malta

    MCAST students create robot which simulates infiltration of contaminated water

    Three young MCAST students have put together a robot which can filter out blue balls from orange simulating filtration of contaminated water, hoping to provide some ideas in solving the water crisis, which will compete in the FIRST Global Challenge Robot Olympics in Washington.Andrea Abela, one of the three Software ...

  • Malta

    'Radical' reform in public sector accounting system projected to cost €11.6 million

    Grand Thorton Malta has a signed a memorandum of understanding with the government to handle the 'radical' reform of the accounting system of the country's public sector that is projected to cost 11.6 million euro, a Ministry of Finance statement has announced.Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said that the system, which ...

  • Regno Unito Malta

    Extradited lawyer Patrick Spiteri complains of poor conditions in prison, seeks bail

    A former lawyer extradited to Malta to face criminal proceedings on charges of fraud, misappropriation of funds and falsification of documents, today told a court that he had been undergoing medical treatment in the UK and had not been trying to escape the hand of justice.Testifying on his application for ...

  • USA Malta

    'Infrastructure is Malta’s Achilles heel' – Prime Minister Joseph Muscat

    Malta's infrastructure is the island's Achilles heel, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said this morning while addressing investors during a conference called "Follow the Entrepreneur Investors Summit"He was responding to a question asked a question posed by a Belgian national who lives in Malta, regarding infrastructure."Over the years we always planned ...

  • USA Malta

    Herrera says he will prioritise rural environment which is ‘crying for an upgrade’

    Environment Minister Jose Herrera today said that the government will be giving priority to the upkeep of Malta and Gozo's rural environments.Following a news conference regarding waste separation on public beaches, The Malta Independent asked Herrera whether initiatives to reduce waste in rural areas are also in the pipeline."When it ...