India USA Malta
How victim of child slavery leads way in fight against exploitation of labour migrants
Rani Hong, a 46-year-old American citizen who was born in India, has gone from victim of child slavery to a United Nations special advisor on combatting modern day slavery. Above and beyond her work with the UN, Hong was also instrumental in creating a platform for victims to speak out. ...
USA Panama Malta
TMID Editorial - EP debate on the rule of law in Malta - Note to PM: Strasbourg is not Valletta
Addressing the European Parliament yesterday in a plenary session dealing with ‘the rule of law in Malta’, the Prime Minister cut straight to the point with his interpretation behind the calling of the debate.The Prime Minister said he couldn’t help but note the ‘political narrative’ throughout yesterday’s proceedings, and posited ...
USA Portogallo Romania Spagna Bulgaria Grecia Danimarca Regno Unito Austria Malta Estonia Cipro Finlandia Slovenia Italia
Malta’s GDP per capita at 95% of EU average
When Malta accessed the EU in 2004, its GDP per capita was somewhere around 65% of the EU’s average. Since then, other, and poorer, nations have joined and Malta’s GDP has improved. According to a Eurostat release this week, it is now at 95% of the EU average, beaten by ...
Rifle-wielding attacker wounds US Republican leader, killed by police
A rifle-wielding attacker opened fire on Republican lawmakers as they practiced for a charity baseball game Wednesday, critically wounding House GOP Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and hitting aides and Capitol police as congressmen and others dove for cover. The assailant, who had nursed grievances against President Donald Trump and ...
Panama Malta
‘I was not surprised’, PM Joseph Muscat says in reaction to EU Parliament debate on Malta
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was not surprised by what was said during the MEP debate about the Panama Papers, Malta and the rule of law.Muscat had just emerged from the European Parliament plenary chamber after having defended himself from a barrage of statements made by MEPs from many different parties ...
Malta establishing a holistic plan to manage data as an enterprise asset
Malta is establishing a holistic plan for the management of data as an enterprise asset, Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation Silvio Schembri announced at the Semantic Interoperability Conference on data and information management.The conference, which forms part of Malta's EU Presidency, is a collaboration between the ...
"Le PS n'évitera pas l'exclusion d'Yvan Mayeur et Pascale Peraïta"
Le PS ne pourra éviter d'exclure Yvan Mayeur et Pascale Peraïta de ses rangs suite au scandale du Samusocial à Bruxelles, comme ce fut le cas pour Stéphane Moreau et André Gilles après l'affaire Publifin, a jugé le ministre-président bruxellois Rudi Vervoort sur les ondes de Bel-RTL.
Trump verkoopt "sponsor van terrorisme" Qatar 10 miljard euro aan wapens
De VS hebben voor 12 miljard dollar (10,7 miljard euro) wapens verkocht aan Qatar. Enkele dagen geleden noemde president Donald Trump Qatar nog
Conférence régionale des femmes parlementaires du G5 Sahel à Ndjamena
Dakar, 15 juin (APS) – Une conférence régionale sur le rôle des parlementaires du G5 Sahel pour ‘'la promotion du leadership des femmes en matière de prévention et de lutte contre l'extrémisme violent'' se tiendra les 19 et 20 juin à N'Djamena (Tchad), annonce un communiqué reçu à l'APS. - Actualités
"La formation revisitée à l'heure du numérique" au menu d'une conférence, mardi
Dakar, 15 juin (APS) – La 3e édition du cycle de conférences ‘'Les mardis du numérique'' s'ouvre le 20 juin à 9h 30, à la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Dakar, sur le thème : ‘'La formation revisitée à l'heure du numérique'', annonce un communiqué reçu à l'APS. - Actualités